Drugs & Alcohol

Set of Neurons Urges Constant Drinking

If you can't control the urge to drink, there is a set of neurons to be blamed. Scientists have pinpointed a population of neurons in the brain that influences whether one drink leads to two and so on. The discovery could ultimately lead to a cure for alcoholism and other addictions, researchers from the Texas [...]

Young Swear Off Booze As Middle-age Binge Drinking Grows

It's 4.30 on Friday afternoon and Nick Swifte​ is cracking open a beer with colleagues. By his own admission, the 45-year-old advertising executive is a "drinker of some renown". "I like getting drunk. I'm a big fan of it. Working as a media buyer there is booze everywhere. Any function you go to, every achievement, every win, [...]

Exposing Kids to Booze: 26,000 Ads a Year

Would you support a change that would instantly halve children’s exposure to televised alcohol ads? New research has found that by simply changing a couple of regulations so that alcohol advertising was not allowed during sport broadcasts, and not before 9.30pm, it would halve young people’s exposure. Did you know that many children as young [...]

By |2020-10-30T17:19:42+11:00August 24th, 2015|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Long-term Brain Changes Persist Years after Drug Abuse and Recovery

It's known that brain changes are present in drug addicts even when they have been abstinent for a short period of time. Now new research shows that alterations persist in long-term abstinent heroin-depended individuals as well. - Wiley Source: Long-term brain changes persist years after drug abuse and recovery Image from Unsplash

By |2020-10-30T17:20:30+11:00August 24th, 2015|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Formal After-Parties – The Online Fallout

I’m regularly asked about my views and concerns of school formal after-parties, particularly those where every aspect of the after-party is outsourced to a private company. I want to share with you an emerging concern for some of these parties that is particularly of interest to schools, parents and teachers. In some cases, a private company contracts a photographer and videographer as part of the after-party package. The video footage and photos are then uploaded on the company’s social [...]

Young People and the Medical Marijuana Debate

The debate about the use of marijuana for medical treatment has developed considerably over the past 12 months and has been highly publicised in the media. I recently presented one of our Party Safe Education seminars in a school where students had just completed a debate about the legalisation of marijuana. When presenting the information [...]

Is There Anything Actually ‘Medical’ about Medical Marijuana?

Some evidence shows it helps with pain and other problems, but obstacles to research are slowing further insights. - Aaron E. Carroll Source: Is There Anything Actually ‘Medical’ About Medical Marijuana? - The New York Times

Potentially Hazardous Effects of Mechanical and Chemical Characteristics of E-cigarettes

Unlike standard cigarettes, the components of electronic cigarettes are not regulated and standardized, thus they vary widely between products. The characteristics of these e-cigarette elements, including their delivery systems, combustion apparatuses, and the composition of the nicotine solutions they contain may affect the levels of potentially hazardous substances in the vapor they produce. - American Thoracic [...]

Smoking Skunk Cannabis Triples Risk of a Serious Psychotic Episode

Smoking powerful skunk cannabis triples the risk of suffering a serious psychotic episode, scientists have found. In the population studied by the researchers in south London, where cannabis use is widespread, the drug is linked to one quarter of all new cases of psychosis, the team found. The findings add to a compelling body of [...]

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