Drugs & Alcohol

Binge Drinking Hampers Immune System in Young Adults

A new study has found that binge drinking in young, healthy adults significantly disrupts the immune system. For the study, researcher Majid Afshar, M.D., M.S.C.R., now at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, had volunteers drink four or five shots of vodka, then took blood samples to measure their immune systems. The researchers found [...]

The latest DrinkWise Ad is a Beer Commercial, Not Public Health Message

There is an art to creating a faux public health ad that, far from damaging your bottom line, actually enhances it. That’s a win for the alcohol industry, but a big loss for the rest of us. So what is wrong with the DrinkWise advertisement? - Michael Thorn is CEO of the Foundation for Alcohol Research and [...]

The Cup – that’ll do me

Cup Day is a uniquely Australian celebration that seems increasingly about getting slaughtered on the drink. Lord knows I've got no qualms about boozing, yet its appeal is always diminished when the amateurs are out in force peeing and vomiting in the street - that's the women - while the blokes stalk around with a [...]

Talking To Your Kids To Keep Them Drug Free

While drugs can take their toll on both physical and mental health for young and old, teenagers are particularly vulnerable to the effects that these addictive substances have on their developing brain. As a result, this may lead to long-term problems for their mental function and place them at increased risk of mental illness. Young [...]

Bottle Babies: the devastation of foetal alcohol spectrum disorders

Foetal alcohol spectrum disorders are a group of conditions that develop in children whose brains are permanently and irreversibly damaged before they are born. They can manifest in a range of ways, from learning difficulties to developmental delays, sensory overload, impaired memory, impulsiveness and co-ordination problems. The single factor shared by everyone on the spectrum [...]

Binge drinking is a ‘cluster bomb’ for health issues, warn scientists

Binge drinking can create an inflammatory response in the liver that is like a cluster bomb, sending out various damaging signals to other organ systems in the body. If those organs are working at a lower level of function, then a whole host of physiological processes are affected as a consequence of binge drinking. - MARK [...]

The Rise of All-Purpose Antidepressants

Antidepressant use among Americans is skyrocketing. Adults in the U.S. consumed four times more antidepressants in the late 2000s than they did in the early 1990s. As the third most frequently taken medication in the U.S., researchers estimate that 8 to 10 percent of the population is taking an antidepressant. But this spike does not [...]

Energy Drinks May Pose Public Health Danger

Over 70 percent of young adults (aged 18 to 29 years) who drink energy drinks mix them with alcohol, according to an EFSA study. Numerous studies have shown that this practice is more risky than drinking alcohol only, possibly because these drinks make it harder for people to notice when they are getting drunk. - Frontiers [...]

Warning labels about cancer on alcohol: do we need them?

How would you feel if your bottle of merlot or cider came with a health warning about the increased risk of cancer from drinking alcohol? Doesn't sound like an idea to be warmly embraced by those who like a drink but the findings of a recent West Australian survey of more than 2000 drinkers suggests [...]

By |2020-11-02T09:58:26+11:00October 10th, 2014|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

The truth about Drinkwise

DrinkWise is a Social Aspects Public Relations Organisation (SAPRO) established by the alcohol industry in 2005. DrinkWise is wholly funded by the alcohol industry and governed by a board whose 13 members include 6 alcohol industry representatives. DrinkWise describes itself as an ‘independent, not-for-profit organisation’ whose ‘primary focus is to help bring about a healthier [...]

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