Drugs & Alcohol

Phillip Morris donated to Liberal Democrat senator David Leyonhjelm

The senator who defended the rights of smokers and said they were being disproportionately slugged through tobacco taxes has confirmed his party accepted donations from tobacco giant Phillip Morris. Liberal Democrat senator David Leyonhjelm confirmed the donation to Fairfax Media and said while he could not recall the exact amount given to his party by [...]

3 Common Myths About Waterpipe Smoking

By Dr Colin Mendelsohn, Tobacco Treatment Specialist, Sydney www.colinmendelsohn.net.au Waterpipe smoking is becoming increasingly common among young people in some parts of Australia. However there are many misconceptions about waterpipe use. In the waterpipe (hookah, shisha, narghileh), air is drawn through heated charcoal, then through perforated aluminum foil and moist tobacco (‘Maassel’) in the head [...]

By |2020-11-02T09:59:52+11:00October 2nd, 2014|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , , , , , , |1 Comment

‘Schoolies’, Alcohol And The Teenage Brain: A Toxic Combination

It is that time of the year again…the impending departure of year 12 students from school and the associated ‘rights of passage’ that accompany this departure. In Australia, one ‘right of passage’ is referred to as ‘schoolies’ and the term itself elicits numerous discussion and debates. One of the most controversial issues centres on the [...]

What Professions Drink the most Coffee?

It seems a caffeine injection is more important in some professions than others however, as a poll by Pressat has revealed. Journalists were found to be consuming the most coffee followed by police officers and teachers. Other stereotypically high stress careers feature in the top 10, including medical staff and company executives, while plumbers and [...]

What is the “Dark Net” and “Tor”?

Sites that are blocked by most internet service providers, including those peddling hard-core child pornography, are accessible using Tor and available to browse following some simple steps that are well within the grasp of most computer users. - Jake Wallis Simons via US Navy-created 'dark network' lets users buy drugs and child porn and get away [...]

Parents May Be Putting Their Children On A Path To Drinking

• Parents are the largest supplier of alcohol to under 18s • Teens three times more likely to drink full serves if parents supply Teenagers whose parents supply alcohol in early adolescence are three times as likely to be drinking full serves of alcohol at age 16 as children in families that do not supply [...]

Is booze-free becoming the new black?

Sales of alcohol-free alternatives to beer, wine and liquor are on the increase. In fact, research published recently showed that almost half of British adults believe alcohol-free beer is more socially acceptable than it was five years ago. Numerous alcohol-free bars in the UK and US are starting to pop up and provide alternatives for [...]

Antidepressants ‘could be a risk to unborn babies’

The risk posed by some popular antidepressants in early pregnancy is not worth taking for women with mild to moderate depression, an expert has warned. Professor Stephen Pilling says evidence suggests SSRIs can double the risk of a child being born with a heart defect. The drugs have been used by up to one in [...]

More women dying from accidental drug overdoses than in road toll

“The number of middle-aged women dying from accidental overdose has more than doubled in a decade and women aged between 30 and 50 are now almost four times more likely to be found dead of an unintended overdose than in a crashed car.”Mr Ryan said there had not been as many deaths among women since [...]

5 Things Families Can Do To Stop The Rise Of Meth

Recent news of former NSW premier’s daughter Harriet Wran being charged with murder is another illustration of Australia’s growing problem with the drug ice. Wran, who is said to have been battling an ice addiction, has been charged with murder, attempted murder, and breaking and entering while armed with a knife, along with Michael Lee. Another [...]

By |2020-11-02T10:06:23+11:00August 29th, 2014|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , , , , , |3 Comments
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