Drugs & Alcohol

Intranasal ketamine confers rapid antidepressant effect in depression

A research team from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai published the first controlled evidence showing that an intranasal ketamine spray conferred an unusually rapid antidepressant effect –within 24 hours—and was well tolerated in patients with treatment-resistant major depressive disorder. This is the first study to show benefits with an intranasal formulation of [...]

Aussies burdened by depression and alcohol

Mental illness and substance abuse are the leading causes of non-fatal illness in the world, according to the latest part of major research into the global burden of disease. And the issues are second only to musculoskeletal diseases as causes of disability in Australia, according to the study led by University of Queensland Professor Harvey [...]

Study finds beer industry’s self-regulation ineffective at preventing advertising code violations

In an evaluation of beer advertising code regulations aimed to encourage responsible advertising practices, new research from the American Journal of Public Health finds that content violations still occur and the current U.S. Beer Institute's self-regulation process may be ineffective.   - Chris Defrancesco via Study finds beer industry's self-regulation ineffective at preventing advertising code violations.

Neknomination: French attempt to outlaw social media binge drinking craze

Young people in France who share videos as part of the Neknomination online drinking craze could face up to two years in jail if a charity succeeds in a legal complaint. The game, which is reported to have started in Australia and spread around the world, involves people filming themselves downing a drink before nominating [...]

ADHD: Diagnosis may be a distraction from the truth

Chicago doctor Richard Saul argues in his deliberately controversial book ADHD Does Not Exist, which has just been published in Australia. ''Not a single individual - not even the person who finds it close to impossible to pay attention or sit still - is afflicted by the disorder called ADHD,'' Saul says. Yet he sees [...]

Help With Teen Alcohol Use

Last week an article on the Generation Next Blog discussed how schools are struggling to deal with the perceived rise in teenage “binge drinking.”   Having been a high school teacher my whole professional life I have seen first hand how schools are expected to take an increasing responsibility in teaching students about these kids [...]

Schools Call For Help On Alcohol

Principals reported that student use of alcohol outside of school time was the third most important student issue they had to deal with – only depression and cyber bullying were more significant. This demonstrates that alcohol remains a big problem for school students even when their overall rates of drinking are in decline. Alcohol problems [...]

Alcohol and Other Drugs Council Of Australia Shuts Doors After Fiona Nash Cuts Off Funding

An organisation that has been advising Australian governments on alcohol and drug policy for almost half a century shut its doors on Friday. The Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia, which has operated since 1966, was placed in voluntary administration in November after Assistant Health Minister Fiona Nash decided it would receive no further [...]

Schools struggling to teach binge-drinking, drug-taking students, according to principals surveyed by National Council on Drugs

Teachers are spending a significant amount of class time dealing with problems related to weekend alcohol and drug abuse, according to the results of a national survey. The report by the National Council on Drugs reveals an education system where teachers are battling to get students to pay attention in class after weekends of partying. [...]

Should And Will The Drinking Age Ever Be Raised To 21?

Paul Dillon Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia (DARTA) With the discussion around alcohol-related violence reaching a fever-pitch over the Christmas/New Year period it was not surprising to once again see the issue of raising the legal drinking age brought up once again. Over the years that I have been working in the alcohol [...]

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