Drugs & Alcohol

Alcohol problem is growing

AUSTRALIA has a drinking problem - and it's only going to get worse. A study has revealed more than 75 per cent of people believe we drink too much. More than four million Australians are drinking to get drunk, including two million who get rotten at least once a month. The Foundation for Alcohol Research [...]

By |2012-08-17T19:28:51+10:00April 18th, 2012|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol, Society & Culture|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Misuse of over the counter drugs by young people

See the latest interview with Paul Dillon, Drug and Alcohol Expert, talking about the Misuse of Over the Counter Drugs by Young People. Misues of over the counter drugs by young people. Simple analgesic medications that are available without prescription are being misused. An interview with Paul Dillon, Drug and Alcohol Expert. Interviewer, Dr Ramesh Manocha, Generation [...]

Top tips to help you communicate more effectively with young people about drugs

Alcohol, cannabis and tobacco are the 3 most commonly used drugs by teenagers.* The teenage years are a time of experimenting and trying new things, this can be on the sports field, a new interest or more risky behaviour. This can lead to some young people trying illicit drugs. Their reasons are many including peer [...]

By |2012-08-17T18:37:44+10:00March 19th, 2012|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Alcohol kids’ worst enemy

ALCOHOL is fast becoming the No. 1 threat facing Australian children and there is no adequate system in place to stop them being exposed to alcohol advertising, Australia's foremost child health expert, Fiona Stanley, says. The former Australian of the Year will chair a new alternative alcohol advertising review body, which health experts say is [...]

By |2012-08-17T18:39:38+10:00March 18th, 2012|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: |0 Comments

Campus alcohol culture challenged

The St John's rector, Michael Bongers, last Thursday suspended 30 students for forcing a female student during O-Week to drink alcohol. She was allergic to it and ended up in hospital. This event comes as no surprise to those who have gone through similar experiences. via Trial by ordeal to enter university college's hallowed halls. [...]

By |2012-08-17T18:05:19+10:00March 12th, 2012|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol, Society & Culture|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Should packaged alcohol display health warnings?

The evidence for warning labels on alcohol products is strong, yet there is considerable opposition from industry. This is despite the fact that it is highly likely that the community will benefit.   The sun herald has just run a story on it, in which 4 points of view were presented- 3 of them were against [...]

By |2012-08-17T18:05:38+10:00March 12th, 2012|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , |1 Comment

Alarm at rise in young drunks in WA

Health experts are alarmed by school and university students routinely going on alcohol blinders, as new figures show more than 1000 children were treated at Perth hospital emergency departments last year for alcohol or drug use. Researchers and doctors say teenagers are drinking more and at younger ages, putting them on a path of regular [...]

By |2012-08-17T18:07:14+10:00March 5th, 2012|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: |0 Comments

Alcohol in Movies Strongly Influences Teens-New Study

Young teens who watch a lot of movies featuring alcohol are twice as likely to start drinking as their peers who watch relatively few such films, reveals new research from Dartmouth's Norris Cotton Cancer Center that is published in the online journal BMJ Open. Moreover, these teens are significantly more likely to progress to binge [...]

By |2012-08-17T18:07:53+10:00March 5th, 2012|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , |0 Comments

Government ignores its own research on alcohol and pregnancy warning labels

Evidence-based pregnancy warning labels on alcohol products are cost effective, have the potential to prevent cases of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and should be mandatory, according to government research. Yet these findings run counter to a decision made by the Ministerial Council on Food Regulation  last year to allow the industry to continue with their [...]

By |2012-08-17T18:09:19+10:00February 28th, 2012|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: |0 Comments
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