Drugs & Alcohol

To drink beer or not to drink beer, that is the question

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has just released figures that show we as a nation are consuming less beer than we did 60 years ago. Beer consumption fell from 4.62 litres to 4.56 litres per capita in the year to June. Over the past 5 years, the amount of alcohol available for consumption from [...]

Facts about how alcohol is marketed to teenagers

Many alcohol promotions are youth targeted and have a huge impact on forming how accepting young people are of alcohol. But these campaigns contribute towards the damage alcohol consumption has on teenager's lives. Magazine ads for alcoholic beverages reached more readers who were 12-20 years of age than adult readers in 2001. 1 According to [...]

Social and economic impact of drinking and smoking

22,000 deaths a year caused by tobacco and alcohol consumption and related illnesses. Tobacco, like alcohol and other drugs, has a tremendous social and economic impact on the health and wellbeing of Australian communities. In an effort to make smoking less appealing the Government is about to introduce the plain packaging legislation. Another step in [...]

Binge drinking leads to unwanted pregnancies

A study carried out in America, Binge drinking in the preconception period and the risk of unintended pregnancy: implications for women and their children, has shown that up to 14% of unintended pregnancies were associated with alcohol consumption. The Study’s objective was to investigate the relationship between unintended pregnancies and binge drinking. Binge drinking was [...]

Operation Unite a Success but drinking culture still a big problem

For as long as alcohol fuelled violence and anti-social behaviour continue within Australian society because of our drinking culture, it will be necessary to carry out initiatives like Operation Unite. Operation Unite lasted over 2 nights in early May in the city of Knox and Syndham in Melbourne and regionally in Bendigo and Shepparton. Deputy [...]

Dining at your desk can pile on the pounds

A study, Playing a computer game during lunch affects fullness, memory for lunch, and later snack intake, which was recently published in America has examined the connection between eating while distracted and still, with putting on weight. The researchers took 44 people and split them into 2 groups. One group was served lunch while playing [...]

How marketing campaigns influence young drinkers

Facts and figures showing the influence marketing campaigns have on young American drinkers highlight the alarming lengths that the alcohol industry will go to in order to capture the teen market. The drinking habits of young people in Australia are very similar to their counter parts in the USA. These facts reflect a growing trend [...]

Alcohol is big risk factor in cancer

5% of cancer cases are attributable to long-term, chronic use of alcohol. 22% of the nation’s breast cancer cases can be linked to alcohol consumption *. “There is no evidence from studies in human populations that any alcohol consumption provides protection against cancer. Alcohol is a significant risk factor for some cancers, particularly those of [...]

6th International Conference on Drugs and Young People: Making the Connections

Presented by Australian Drug Foundation (ADF) with Supporting Partner the Ted Noffs Foundation. When: 2 - 4 May 2011 Where: Melbourne Convention Centre, Melbourne, Victoria. Who should go: Anyone concerned with the health and welfare of young people and the impact of alcohol and drug use on them. The United Nations is adding their support [...]

New Study: alcohol and energy drinks make a lethal combination

Mixing alcohol and energy drinks increases erratic behaviour by 50%. A recent study, Effects of Energy Drinks Mixed with Alcohol on Behavioral Control: Risks for College Students Consuming Trendy Cocktails, published online in the Journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, suggests that the habit of drinking alcohol and energy drinks at the same time (a [...]

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