Drugs & Alcohol

Smoking pot can lead to mental health issues

Many people, including regular cannabis users, argue that there is no link between using cannabis and the onset of mental health issues later in life. However a longitudinal study spanning 10 years has now shown that new users of cannabis, especially young people, are more likely to develop psychotic symptoms than those who never used [...]

Alcohol at school fund raisers is a bad example

The Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) recently sent out an open letter to all principals, urging alcohol NOT TO be included at school fund raisers. Dear Principal I am writing to you as Chairman of the Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) to formally seek your assistance and co-operation in not permitting the use, [...]

Does DrinkWise have the welfare of our young at heart?

Leading health organisations have criticised the alcohol industry’s DrinkWise organisation for involving young people in what appears to be largely a promotional exercise.  It seems that although DrinkWise claims to be ‘independent', they are in fact heavily involved with the alcohol industry.  DrinkWise is funded by the alcohol industry, and according to its website many [...]

Net Savvy: Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth

The McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth (MCAAY) This website outlines the aims of the McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth (MCAAY) which is a charitable organisation established in September 2010 with the aim of reducing levels of drinking, harmful drinking and alcohol problems among young people. The Key objectives of [...]

The rise and fall of underage drinkers

25% of 14 to 19 year olds put themselves at risk of alcohol related harm each month 70% of 14 to 19 year olds drink alcohol despite being underage* The NSW Ambulance Service has figures indicating that 3 children a day in NSW get so drunk that they need the services of an ambulance. The under-18s treated [...]

“Not Yet” should this be parent’s battle cry against early drinking?

43% teenagers drink to get drunk 66% teenagers think it is OK to get drunk occasionally 50% teenagers drink to relax* What should parents say to their teenagers who want to drink before they turn 18 years old? Research would suggest that their response should be a resounding “not yet”. Rather than the very popular [...]

When life doesn’t imitate art: Charlie Sheen

Warner Bros. Television and CBS produce the highest grossing sitcom on TV in America. Two and a Half Men is also a huge hit in the UK and Australia. It has been nominated for 2 Golden Globes and has won a further 20 awards with over 50 nominations. So you would think then, that this [...]

The youth of yesterday enjoy the Ecstasy of today

3 out of 10 people in their 30s and 40s who previously tried ecstasy have used it in the past year. The arrest of Matthew Chesher, husband of Education Minister Verity Firth, has caused uproar in the NSW Labour party.  Mrs Firth said “My husband has admitted to making a very big mistake. I am [...]

Tips for telling if someone you know is doing drugs

If you suspect that someone you know or love is taking drugs then there are some signs and symptoms to look out for. There are many reasons why people get involved with drugs; many will need professional help in order to overcome their addiction. Here are some tips on what to look for and where [...]

Net Savvy: Drug Policy Modelling Program (DPMP)

Drug Policy Modelling Program (DPMP) The Drug Policy Modelling Program (DPMP) is run out of the Faculty of Medicine, University of NSW in Sydney. The aim of DPMP is to create valuable new drug policy insights, ideas and interventions that will allow Australia to successfully respond to illicit drug use. The unit itself conducts multiple [...]

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