Drugs & Alcohol

What’s causing the decline in the health and wellbeing of young people?

Contrary to the opinion of leading health organisations, the health and wellbeing of young Australians is declining while mental health issues are on the rise. This is the finding of Richard Eckersley author of the report Never Better, or getting worse? The health and wellbeing of young Australians. The report explores patterns and trends around the [...]

New teaching aid DVD Your Shout discusses the harms of teenage drinking

90% of teenagers have tried alcohol by 15 years of age 20% of teenagers regularly drink at harmful levels A new DVD Your Shout will shortly be introduced into schools around Australia as a teaching aid to help staff discuss the impact drinking has on young people. The DVD features teenagers talking about their experiences [...]

Alcohol and pregnancy – International FASD Awareness Day

The dangers of drinking alcohol during pregnancy are highlighted by International FASD Awareness day (September 9th). Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a term that describes a range of disabilities, birth defects and brain damage that may be caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol. It has been estimated that the prevalence of FASD in Australia [...]

Net Savvy: headspace – National Youth Mental Health Foundation

The headspace website is designed for parents, carers, teachers and professionals who work with young people. It deals with a range of issues that affect the youth of today including: Mental Health Drugs and Alcohol Cyberbullying Health and Wellbeing Research and useful links Parents and carers Getting Help Videos The site also features several videos [...]

Making false idols of celebrities who do drugs

Nearly 4 million people nationwide watched the Ben Cousins documentary Such is Life – The troubled times of Ben Cousins. The program detailed his public life as a footballer while leading the secret life of a drug addict. This duplicitous lifestyle finally came to an end when he was arrested in Perth in 2007. Paul [...]

Menthol in cigarettes could add to addiction

It is expected that by 2012 Australia will be the first country in the world to impose generic packaging on tobacco companies. At the same time there is a push to force tobacco companies to be more up-font about the content of their products. There are growing concerns among anti-tobacco campaigners that menthol is increasingly [...]

i-Dose is the new digital drug infatuating teenagers

The new craze being pitched at teenagers is the i-Dose; an audio file that allegedly induces the same kind of experience as drugs. In fact the binaural MP3 audio files even take their names from drugs including; methamphetamine, cocaine, crack, LSD and Crystal Meth. The files range in strength from the standard ‘heroin’ track to [...]

Report finds young men most likely to have alcohol abuse problems

The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) at the University of New South Wales has released its findings from a study that examined data from the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. This survey interviewed 9,000 Australians aged 16-85 years of age.  The report is ground breaking in that it provides the [...]

To medicate or not to medicate, that is the question?

25% of young people aged 16-24 experience mental health problems 75% of young people hospitalised in 2007-2008 was due to mental and behavioural disorders 30,706 young people were prescribed antidepressants in 2008* The growing pressures associated with teenage years is increasing and taking its toll on the young people of today;  life is complicated and [...]

Generation Next: Special Update

headspace is supporting this series of national seminars relating to the health and wellbeing of young people. The next Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People 2010 Seminar will be held in Sydney on Friday September 10, 2010 WHAT: Topics this year include major and current issues Cyber-bullying Drugs and Alcohol Body Image & Eating [...]

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