Drugs & Alcohol

Youthbeyondblue tackles the tough questions

Youthbeyondblue has a range of free fact sheets available to download from the Youthbeyondblue website. The fact sheets don’t sugar-coat the issues or contain medical jargon – just plain, easy-to-understand facts about problems people commonly experience as a part of growing up. Topics range from depression and anxiety disorders (signs, symptoms and available treatment and [...]

School bullies graduate to anti-social behaviour in later years

25% of students are bullied at school 95% of students are bulled more than once A new study just released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has found that there is compelling evidence that young people who indulge in bullying at school go on to participate in further anti-social behaviour as they get [...]

Net Savvy: National Drugs Campaign

National drugs Campaign (NDC) website Tel: 1800 250 015 The Australian government has established a website to support their Australian Governments National Drugs Campaign (NDC). This campaign aims to help young people and parents understand the harmful affects and consequences of drug use. The NDC has been running since 2001 and has a number of [...]

Teenager set alight, but parents still believe underage drinking is OK

50% of parents say 15 year olds should be allowed alcohol at home 20% of teenagers drink on a weekly basis 1 Australian teenager a week dies of alcohol abuse* The dilemma of whether or not to let underage teenagers drink at private parties is one that many parents have faced. The majority seem to [...]

2010 World No Tobacco Day

87% of females prefer to date non smoking partners 80% of smokers don’t believe cigarettes damage the skin* Monday 31st May is ‘world no tobacco day’. This year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) is using World No Tobacco Day to emphasize the negative aspects of smoking; particularly for women. In Melbourne, The Royal Dental Hospital [...]

Families who eat together, stay together

The great tradition of a sit down family meal is important on many levels; it is a time to share, eat good food, enjoy each other’s company,  swap the day’s highs and lows and most importantly a time for the family to bond in a relaxed atmosphere. This idealistic picture of a family meal is [...]

Book Review: What's Happening to Our Boys?

By Maggie Hamilton. AT RISK. How the new techologies, drugs and alcohol, peer pressure and porn affect our boys. Some of the material covered here is shocking, but its important to realise this is the toxic atmosphere many of our children encounter daily… When we understand what they’re up against, we can help bring about [...]

Major tobacco brands promoted on Facebook

The World Health Organisation (WHO) clearly states that the advertising of tobacco on social networking websites by employees promoting the product is prohibited. However there have been a growing number of employees who have taken to the likes of Facebook and are actively promoting the brands their company produces. This is all the more shocking [...]

Recent Findings: The business of marketing unhealthy food to Children

Published in Journal Watch Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 2010. It is common practice for food companies to advertise to children by using cross-promotional agreements with other companies (to promote each other’s products); these include licensed characters, sports teams and theme parks. Many food companies team up with other companies to help them sell their food [...]

Video Hits and Youth Week – the wrong mix?

At first glance it would seem that choosing Video Hits as a Media Partner for the recently held Australian National Youth Week made perfect sense, all teenagers are into music of some sort. Music crosses the great divide and is accessible to everyone; it can communicate on a level without barriers. But when we see [...]

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