Mental Health & Wellbeing

Social Media More Harmful To Girls Than Boys

It’s no secret that social media isn’t great for mental health - studies have shown it again and again, and some of the developers of social media have sounded warnings about the addictiveness of certain features. Now, to add to the growing body of evidence on how it affects mental health, a new study finds a link between [...]

“I walked in on my daughter self-harming at 14. I wish I had these books to help me then.”

We're pleased to announce that Generation Next have been featured in an article in Mamamia! Here is what Mandy Nolan had to say about us and our Generation Next handbooks: When my daughter was 14 I walked in on her cutting herself. I freaked out. I screamed “What are you doing? Stop that now! Are you [...]

Turning Off is Switched On

Your home is a safe space, for you and your kids. It’s a place where you can all switch off from the outside world, forget about everything and everyone and the only people allowed in are the ones you invite. At least, it used to be. But we live in a time when everyone we [...]

5 Questions to Help You Find Your Sense of Purpose

Sometimes it feels that our culture has nearly reached a saturation point in its focus on the pursuit of happiness: thousands of books, blogs, and websites purport to help us get there, with techniques ranging from the empirically validated (exercise, mindfulness, gratitude) to the rather murky (which often involve paying someone something.) But more and more research is starting [...]

Benalla Students Fight To Remove Stigma Around Mental Health

More than 130 Year 8 Benalla students are ready to fight mental health and youth suicide with the official launch of the Benalla Live4Life program. On 26 March, at the Drill Hall Community Activity Centre, the Live4Life education and prevention program led by the Council will be in full swing, with all Year 8 and 11 Benalla students [...]

Why Nutritional Psychiatry is the Future of Mental Health Treatment

A lack of essential nutrients is known to contribute to the onset of poor mental health in people suffering from anxiety and depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and ADHD. Nutritional psychiatry is a growing discipline that focuses on the use of food and supplements to provide these essential nutrients as part of an integrated or alternative [...]

5 Ways Parents Can Teach Kids About Consent

An honest chat with children about healthy, consensual sex could not come any sooner. Time and again, society fails to educate young people — particularly young women — about sexual health. What’s more, in the United States, abstinence-only sex education is the rule, not the exception — and studies show it actually hurts kids as they grow into adolescence. [...]

10 Things People with Depression Need to Do Every Day

Don't allow yourself to be limited by your depression. Yes, you are depressed. I know that place way too well, and I work my butt off to stay out of the D-zone. Here are ten little things that will give you a lift. You may not think you have the energy to do them, but, [...]

By |2021-03-02T16:26:34+11:00March 12th, 2018|Categories: Depression, Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Being Exposed to Light During Sleep Linked to Depression

It may be time to invest in some blackout curtains, according to new research. A study published recently in the American Journal of Epidemiology found a strong association between even low-level nighttime light exposure and depressive symptoms among elderly adults. The researchers measured nighttime light levels in the bedrooms of 863 elderly Japanese adults by placing ceiling-facing light [...]

Fake Instagram Accounts Relieves The Pressure Of Perfection for Teens

Fake Instagram accounts, often referred to as “finstas” or “spam accounts”, have become the norm for many teens – but their reasoning for creating these is not as sinister as you think. I’ve spoken with 50 Australian families – including 118 children aged 1-18 – about technology use, and am currently conducting a follow-up qualitative [...]

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