Mental Health & Wellbeing

Children As Young As Four Are Suffering From Mental Health Problems

Schools are struggling to access support to deal with a surge in the number of children and young people suffering from mental health issues. Evidence given from teachers across the country suggests children as young as four are suffering from mental health problems such as panic attacks, eating disorders, anxiety and depression. Responding to a [...]

The Different Types Of Smiles And Which Ones Are Actually For Happiness

Of 19 different types of smile, only six occur when we’re having a good time. The rest happen when we’re in pain, embarrassed, uncomfortable, horrified or even miserable. A smile may mean contempt, anger or incredulity, that we’re lying or that we’ve lost. While genuine, happy smiles exist as a reward for when we’ve done [...]

More Teens Than Ever Before Meet The Criteria For Having Mental Health Issues

Nearly 1 in 4 Australian teenagers meet the criteria for having a "probable serious mental illness", a joint report from Mission Australia and the Black Dog Institute has found. The Five Year Mental Health Youth Report presented findings from the past five Mission Australia youth surveys, during which thousands of adolescents answered questions on several [...]

How Ethnic And Racial Harassment Damages Mental Health

A recent vicious attack on a 17-year-old asylum seeker in Croydon has drawn widespread condemnation and is being investigated as a hate crime. It follows a spike in hate crimes following the Brexit vote in June 2016 which brought the issue of ethnic and racial harassment into sharp focus. Yet harassment of people for their [...]

The Pressures Of Acting Like A “Real” Man And The Mental Health Issues This Causes In Young Males

A rigid construct of how “real” men are supposed to behave leaves many feeling trapped, new research we carried out suggests. While most support gender equality, the young men in the UK, US and Mexico reported feeling pushed to live in the “man box”. They feel pressure to act tough, hide weakness and “look good”. [...]

How Lack Of Movement In Younger Years Can Cause Delays In Children’s Brain Development

One of the key areas of difficulty for children with special needs or specific learning difficulties is a delay in the connections between the neural pathways. Constant reinforcement of activities to stimulate these neural pathways is essential if a learner with special education needs or specific learning difficulties is to achieve his or her potential. [...]

Disruptive Behaviour In Children: Why It’s Often Misdiagnosed

Diagnosing Disruptive Behavior Most children have occasional temper tantrums or emotional outbursts, but when kids repeatedly lash out, are defiant, or can’t control their tempers, it can seriously impair their functioning in school and cause serious family turmoil. It’s easy to jump to the conclusion that a child who’s pushing or hitting or throwing tantrums [...]

Can A Child Be Too Attached To Their Parent?

When you consider the big picture, the ultimate goal in raising a child is to help them become their own separate person. We should want them to have their own mind, set their own goals, form their own reasons, make their own decisions, think for themself, know their boundaries, and create their own intentions. What [...]

6 Tips For Making Friends While Struggling With Mental Illness

Mental illness is more common than most people think. Around one out of every five adults will deal with some form of mental illness in their lifetime. If you’re that one person, trying to make friends might seem about as appealing as pulling your teeth out, but a good group of friends can also be [...]

By |2021-03-01T18:01:16+11:00April 13th, 2017|Categories: Anxiety, Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Using Social Media Can Have Adverse Effects On Self-Esteem For Children

Perhaps Facebook should carry a health warning. A study has revealed that the children who spend more time on online social networks feel less happy in almost all aspects of their lives. The research by a team of economists at the University of Sheffield, to be presented at this week’s Royal Economic Society annual conference [...]

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