Mental Health & Wellbeing

Social Media Monitoring Apps Shine Spotlight On Internet Addiction

Social media monitoring apps targeting programs like Facebook and Instagram are revealing alarming habitual behaviour and extreme levels of smart phone use. You may not realise it, but you are probably reaching for your smart phone with high frequency. It just takes a free app to give you the cold, hard statistics. "If you ask [...]

Deprivation In Early Childhood Can Affect Mental Health In Adulthood

Experiencing severe deprivation and neglect in childhood can have a lasting psychological impact into early adulthood, finds a unique study which has followed the mental health of a group of children adopted from Romanian institutions to UK families in the 1990s. Despite living in strong and supportive families for over 20 years, many children exposed [...]

Soft Drink Sugar Overload The Tip Of Unhealthy Teen Behaviour

One in six teenage boys who drinks excessive amounts of soft drink is also more likely to be watching too much television and not getting enough sleep, a survey of Australian high school students reveals. Teenagers who drink at least a litre of soft drink each week, considered "heavy consumers', are also more likely to skimp [...]

Health Apps Could Be Doing More Harm Than Good

Fitness trackers and mental health apps could be doing more harm than good because they are not based on sound science, researchers have warned, comparing some health app developers to “snake oil salesmen of the 1860s”. Greg Hager, professor of computer science at Johns Hopkins University, said that in the absence of trials or scientific [...]

The Psychology Of The Worry Spiral

Raise your hand if this scenario sounds familiar at all: You’re supposed to meet a friend for coffee at one, let’s say. It’s now 1:10 and she’s not there, and she hasn’t answered your text, either. You know, objectively, that she’s probably just stuck on the subway or something, but you still can’t help running [...]

Autism Starts Months Before Symptoms Appear

Parents often notice the first signs of autism in their children at around 12 to 18 months. Maybe a child isn’t making eye contact, or won’t smile when mom or dad walks in the door. But a new study suggests there is evidence of autism in the brain even earlier—well before a child’s first birthday—and [...]

Supporting Children Through Loss And Grief

In western culture death, and diseases such as dementia and cancer, seem to be hidden away, not generally discussed – because ‘it won’t happen to us’. Inevitably, though, the unthinkable will occur. How can we help our children cope with loss and grief, when a loved one starts to fail in mind or body, or [...]

The Surprising Truth About Why We Sleep And How Much We Need

Despite fears of technology eating into our nap, we may be slumbering for longer than ever before and we may have misunderstood what sleep is for. They say that an elephant never forgets. It is also often stated that one of the functions of sleep is to consolidate memories. If both of those things were [...]

No Link Between Sunshine And Mental Health In Young Women?

If you’ve ever felt depressed, someone’s probably told you to get outdoors and soak up some tasty vitamin D. Because how could you possibly feel sad while sunbaking on the beach? According to research from the Royal Women’s Hospital, Royal Melbourne Hospital and University of Melbourne, that advice is essentially useless for young Australian women with [...]

Want To Raise Empowered Girls? Start Early

Don’t try to be perfect Girls’ desire to please can backfire. Rachel Simmons, author of “The Curse of the Good Girl: Raising Authentic Girls With Courage and Confidence,” explains that when girls focus on winning approval, they shy away from risks. “If you’re a quintessential good girl, you experience failing as letting someone down. Instead [...]

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