Mental Health & Wellbeing

The Power of Talking Sideways to Children

Good family communication is the key to successful parenting at all stages, but it’s not always easy. We all know the advice about getting down to a toddler’s tantrumming level, offering a stroppy six-year-old a non-judgmental ear and giving a tired teenager peace to think and a cup of tea after a tough exam, but [...]

Australia Has A Serious Gambling Problem

Australia tops its fair share of lists, including hosting the deadliest animals on earth and, perhaps paradoxically, some of the world’s most livable cities. But the country also tops the charts on an indicator that is far more insidious: gambling losses. Last year, Australians lost $17.5 billion, or about $949 per adult. These per capita [...]

Too Many Mental Health Apps Put Style Over Substance

We share some of our most intimate data with mental health apps, but there's surprisingly little proof of what they give us in return. Many medical experts are starting to find problematic the lack of clear science backing up apps that promise to help with everything from low mood to depression. Bruce Bolam, program director [...]

6 Tips For Tackling Holiday Parties When You Have Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is more than just being shy. Someone can be so uncomfortable in a situation he or she becomes panicked or frozen. For the those who do experience the condition, the holidays may feel especially fraught. While the idea of going to some or all of these gatherings is enough to make someone with social [...]

Search Engines ‘Could Help Young People Find Best Mental Health Resources’

Search engines and content providers could have a role to play in helping young people find the most reliable mental health resources online, research at the University of Strathclyde has found. Thousands of websites and apps relating to mental health are available but the study discovered that much of the most useful material was difficult [...]

The Next Level: What Happens When Kids Can’t Turn Off Their Games

Flickr Images It was nearing midnight when she slipped out of bed, padded across the wood floors and peered into the room across the hall. Her 15-year-old son was still awake, like she knew he would be, sitting in his bed, staring at his laptop screen. This had long been his nightly ritual: [...]

Mental Health And Relationships ‘Key To Happiness’

Pixabay Images Good mental health and having a partner make people happier than doubling their income, a new study has found. The research by the London School of Economics looked at responses from 200,000 people on how different factors impacted their wellbeing. Suffering from depression or anxiety hit individuals hardest, whilst being in [...]

Science Shows That Social Media Is Good For You…Until It Isn’t

Flickr Images Even as we are addicted to checking our Facebook or Twitter feeds and compulsively respond to the familiar ding of new email, we worry about its negative impacts. Cyber bullying, sexting, and victimisation occur. We are bombarded with images of friends who seemingly lead lives far more glamorous than our own. [...]

Affection, Not Money, Key to Child Health

Pixabay Images Growing up in a well-off home can benefit a child’s physical health even decades later, but a lack of parent-child warmth, or the presence of abuse, may eliminate the health advantage of a privileged background. Assistant professor of sociology at Baylor University, Matthew A. Andersson, Ph.D., explains: Previous research has associated [...]

Do Screens Make Psychotic Adults?

Flickr Images Do your work responsibilities and recreational choices involve a lot of computer use? Are you in the habit of updating social media through the day? Are you finding it weirdly difficult to concentrate on this paragraph? If the answer to all three questions was in the affirmative, this might not be [...]

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