Mental Illness

Is it anxiety or ADHD, or both? How to tell the difference and why it matters

Alison Poulton, University of Sydney “Cassie” is an anxious adult. She stresses and puts off tasks that should be simple. Seeing others succeed makes her feel inadequate. It’s easier to avoid challenges than risk failing again. She has taken anxiety medication but it didn’t help much. This hypothetical example illustrates a situation many people have [...]

By |2023-07-12T11:41:39+10:00July 12th, 2023|Categories: Disability, Mental Illness|Tags: |0 Comments

How to navigate difficult conversations with your teenager

Netta Weinstein, University of Reading Important conversations with teenagers are among the biggest challenges of parenting. They can feel like walking a tightrope. Lean too much – or too little – into commands and restrictions and you’re likely to tip over. In preparation for writing this article, I asked my daughter for her advice to [...]

By |2023-06-22T10:43:02+10:00June 20th, 2023|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Mental Illness|Tags: |0 Comments

Should you tell your boss about your mental illness? Here’s what to weigh up

  Elizabeth Stratton, University of Sydney and Nick Glozier, University of Sydney Whether you know about it or not, it’s likely someone you work with or manage has a mental illness. One in five Australians have experienced a mental illness in the last 12 months. Many people stay silent about their mental illness at work. [...]

By |2023-05-30T17:26:08+10:00May 24th, 2023|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Mental Illness|Tags: |0 Comments

Students’ mental health is a big issue for schools – but teachers should only be part of the solution

Brian Moore, Charles Sturt University and Sarah Redshaw, Charles Sturt University Schools are an obvious place to do mental health work with young people. This is important, as about one in seven young Australians are diagnosed with a mental illness. This includes issues like psychological distress, anxiety, depression, school refusal, and complex trauma. However, [...]

By |2023-04-21T10:37:52+10:00April 20th, 2023|Categories: Learning, Mental Illness|Tags: |0 Comments

Most people thinking about suicide don’t tell anyone. Here’s why and what we can do about it

David John Hallford, Deakin University Many people at risk of suicide are going undetected and unsupported in our community, our research suggests. Our recently published study found under half of people tell anyone they’re thinking of suicide, making plans or had attempted suicide. Here are some of the reasons why people don’t often talk about [...]

By |2023-04-13T11:03:37+10:00April 11th, 2023|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Mental Illness, Suicide|Tags: |0 Comments

How financial stress can affect your mental health and 5 things that can help

Kristin Naragon-Gainey, The University of Western Australia Financial stress is affecting us in many different ways. Some people are struggling to pay bills, feed the family, or maintain a place to live. Others are meeting their basic needs but are dipping into their savings for extras. Financial stress is increasing and, understandably, is causing some [...]

By |2023-03-29T15:23:24+11:00March 29th, 2023|Categories: Anxiety|Tags: |0 Comments

The climate change threat to our mental health

Associate Professor Grant Blashki and Craig Hyde-Smith Climate change is here. It’s no longer just a future concern, it is here now, and already having a significant impact on our mental health according to a new survey by the Climate Council supported by Beyond Blue. Swathes of land and thousands of Australian homes and [...]

By |2023-03-21T17:12:28+11:00March 21st, 2023|Categories: Mental Illness|Tags: |0 Comments

How to help teen girls’ mental health struggles – 6 research-based strategies for parents, teachers and friends

Elizabeth Englander, Bridgewater State University and Meghan K. McCoy, Bridgewater State University It’s a well-established fact that children’s and teens’ mental health took a hit during the pandemic. But new research suggests that teen girls in particular are suffering in unprecedented ways. A survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that was published [...]

By |2023-03-13T10:27:56+11:00March 13th, 2023|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Mental Illness|Tags: |0 Comments

You can’t fix school refusal with ‘tough love’ but these steps might help

Christine Grové, Monash University and Alexandra Marinucci, Monash University School attendance levels in Australia are a massive issue according to Education Minister Jason Clare. As he told reporters last week, he hopes to talk to state colleagues about the issue at a meeting later this month. There’s evidence that school attendance rates have been [...]

By |2023-02-10T15:31:10+11:00February 9th, 2023|Categories: Anxiety, Education|Tags: |0 Comments

Back-to-school blues are normal, so how can you tell if it’s something more serious?

Vanessa Cobham, The University of Queensland Many children come down with a case of the back-to-school blues as summer slips away. Having spent the holidays staying up late and having fun with friends and family, it can be a struggle to get back into a routine. For some children, going back to school can also [...]

By |2023-02-01T17:54:47+11:00February 1st, 2023|Categories: Anxiety|Tags: |0 Comments
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