Mental Illness

Childhood Obesity Quadruples Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes

Children with obesity face four times the risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to children with a body mass index (BMI) in the normal range, according to a study published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society. Both obesity and diabetes are epidemic health problems. Obesity affects about 12.7 million children and teens in the [...]

By |2021-03-04T15:37:25+11:00August 28th, 2017|Categories: Eating Disorders, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Obesity|Tags: |0 Comments

Schools Spotlight Wellbeing in Bid to Tackle Student Anxiety

There has been a huge growth in wellbeing programs in schools in Australia, with nine in 10 independents schools now offering a wellness service to students and public schools following suit. The annual NAB Independent Schools Survey reveals the huge level of investment schools are making in supporting the mental health and overall wellbeing of [...]

10 Reasons Your Toddler’s Tantrum Is Actually a Good Thing

Believe it or not, temper tantrums are an important part of your toddler's emotional health and well-being. Toddler tantrums are one of the most challenging aspects of parenting. We tend to feel like good parents when our toddlers are smiley and at ease, but can feel helpless and overwhelmed when they are lying on the [...]

By |2021-03-02T15:27:29+11:00August 28th, 2017|Categories: Anxiety, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Mental Illness, Uncategorized|Tags: , |0 Comments

Eye Patterns in Children: The Development of Anxiety and Emotion

New study by UCR psychology professor finds that children pay close attention to potentially threatening information and avoid eye contact when anxious We spend a lot of time looking at the eyes of others for social cues – it helps us understand a person’s emotions, and make decisions about how to respond to them. We [...]

By |2021-03-02T15:29:59+11:00August 21st, 2017|Categories: Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Mental Illness|Tags: |0 Comments

How to Raise an Optimistic Human in a Pessimistic World

If you’re raising kids today, it can be easy to focus on the negative. And it’s no wonder: Thanks to the 24-hour news cycle, social media, cell phone notifications — and even sources you wouldn’t expect, like Instagram and YouTube — kids are immersed in doom and gloom. Consider their world: The suicide rate is up, cyberbullying is rampant, the [...]

By |2021-03-02T15:30:24+11:00August 21st, 2017|Categories: Anxiety, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Uncategorized|Tags: , |0 Comments

That’s Life: Helping Kids Deal with Disappointment

How Kids Benefit from Disappointment Whether it's a trip to the playground that gets ruined by rain or there are no more chocolate sprinkles at the ice cream shop, life is full of little and big disappointments. And as much as we'd like to spare our kids from letdowns, we can't -- and that's a [...]

Spanking Can be Detrimental for Children’s Behavior, Even 10 Years Later

Past research has indicated that physical punishment, such as spanking, has negative consequences on child development. However, most research studies have examined short-term associations -- less than one year -- between discipline and development. Now, researchers at the University of Missouri have found that physical discipline experienced during infancy can negatively impact temperament and behavior [...]

New Trend: No Homework for Elementary Students

Sweeping our country is a new trend: No homework! Many parents are singing the praises of these policies, which remove the nightly nagging of “Have you done your homework?” Plus it frees up time where parents can genuinely connect with their child whether over dinner, or gardening in the backyard without the stress of impending schoolwork. Of [...]

By |2021-03-02T15:01:40+11:00August 7th, 2017|Categories: Anxiety, Society & Culture, Uncategorized|Tags: , |0 Comments

Kids, Cash, and Snacks: What Motivates a Healthier Food Choice?

What determines how children decide to spend their cash on snacks? A new study shows that children's experience with money and their liking of brands influenced purchase decisions -- and that for some children, higher prices for unhealthy snacks might motivate healthier choices. The study is published in the journal Appetite. Besides parents, many actors such [...]

By |2021-03-04T15:38:31+11:00August 7th, 2017|Categories: Eating Disorders, Obesity, Society & Culture, Uncategorized|Tags: |0 Comments

Clicks and Likes Contributing to a Teen Anxiety Crisis

An increasing dependency on activities associated with the brain's excitement-pleasure circuitry is partly to blame for the rising levels of anxiety and depression in teenagers today. Prominent in this cerebral circuitry is social media. A psychiatrist speaking to a group of teachers at the beginning of the school year warned of the "anxiety tsunami" that [...]

By |2021-03-02T15:02:50+11:00August 7th, 2017|Categories: Anxiety, Depression, Mental Illness, Uncategorized|Tags: , |0 Comments
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