Mental Illness

There’s A Strong Link Between Anxiety And Depression, And Sleep Problems

Good sleep is essential for our mental well-being. Just one night of disturbed sleep can leave us feeling cranky, flat, worried, or sad the next day. So it’s no surprise sleeping problems, like difficulty falling asleep, not getting enough sleep, or regularly disrupted sleep patterns, are associated with anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression, which [...]

Exploring The Various Types Of Anxiety And Depression

Mental health is an area that is finally getting some attention as a real and serious health issue, though we still have so far to go. Part of removing the stigma around mental health is understanding the various types of disorders people can be diagnosed with. There are many disorders, both under the anxiety and [...]

By |2021-03-01T18:10:03+11:00May 15th, 2017|Categories: Anxiety, Depression|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

How Childhood Stress Can Knock 20 Years Off Your Life

There is a scene in James Redford’s new film, Resilience, in which a paediatrician cites a parental misdeed so outmoded as to seem bizarre. “Parents used to smoke in the car with kids in the back and the windows rolled up,” she says, incredulous. How long ago those days now seem; how wise today’s parents [...]

By |2021-03-01T18:10:23+11:00May 15th, 2017|Categories: Mental Illness|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Doctor Issues Warning Over Mindfulness Apps Offering ‘Quick Fix’

Doctors are warning about the risks of relying on smartphone mindfulness apps, offering meditation and breathing exercises, for your mental health. The apps have become some of the most popular downloads, offering everything from improved creativity to pain relief. But Dr Quinn Grundy, a postdoctoral researcher with the University of Sydney's Charles Perkins Centre, has [...]

By |2021-03-01T18:10:38+11:00May 15th, 2017|Categories: Anxiety, Mental Illness|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Teenagers Who Are Both Bully And Victim Are More Likely To Have Suicidal Thoughts

Most research into teen bullying tends to focus only on the victim. This means we know little about how the bully is affected. A new Australian study shows that teenagers who have been both a victim and a bully are at greatest risk of mental health problems, including self-harm and suicidal thoughts. Bullies are victims [...]

By |2021-03-01T18:10:59+11:00May 15th, 2017|Categories: Suicide|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Better Communication Can Help Save Lives From Suicide

An Australian suicide study has shown a worrying failure in communication between family members and health professionals. Professor Brian Draper, lead researcher from UNSW, said the study identified a gap in the medical guideline about health professionals sharing information with relatives. The research team examined 74 suicide cases in New South Wales and Queensland, and [...]

Why Our Brain Thrives On Mistakes

A Growing Brain vs. a Static Brain A body of research that began in 2011 suggests that this aversion to mistakes can be a cause of poor learning habits. The research suggested that those of us who have a “growth mindset”—believing that intelligence is malleable—pay more attention to mistakes and treat them as a wake-up [...]

When Being Alone Is Good For Your Mental Health

A recent story in the Atlantic examined solitude and found choosing to be alone can boost health, if it happens in the right context. “Solitude can be restorative,” Brent Crane wrote. “Yet, because the study of solitude as a positive force is new, it’s hard to speak in precise scientific terms about it: We don’t [...]

By |2021-03-01T17:55:10+11:00May 5th, 2017|Categories: Mental Illness|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

What Causes Early Onset Depression In Adolescent Children?

Earlier this year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) listed depression as the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide. Not lung cancer, obesity or heart disease (on their own, individual fronts), but depression -- a common and serious mood disorder that, today, will reach one in seven Australians alone at some point in their [...]

15 Tactics To Help Cope With Your Mental Health

You’re always tired, but not sleepy. You find yourself breaking down for no apparent reason while getting ready in the morning. Simple tasks like grocery shopping can suddenly become overwhelming. If you are a person who suffers from anxiety, insomnia or depression, chances are that one of those statements, or maybe all three, resonate with [...]

By |2021-03-01T17:56:05+11:00May 5th, 2017|Categories: Anxiety, Depression, Mental Illness|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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