Mental Illness

Rising Mental Health Problems In Students Needs Addressing

Concerns about the state of university students’ mental health slowly have been filtering out, but the scale and neglect of the issue has remained hidden through a lack of data and transparency. We could be confident with 60 per cent of tertiary students falling into the peak age of risk for mental disorder, that at [...]

By |2021-03-01T17:56:27+11:00May 5th, 2017|Categories: Mental Illness|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Depression Prevention For Children

Depression is a devastating disorder. Once you have had an episode of depression your susceptibility to having further periods of depression increases. Resilient Youth’s research on 160,000 young people shows the rates of students who are at risk of depression increases across the years of school. Years   Girls              Boys [...]

Mindfulness In Schools: Potential Problems And How To Fix Them

1. Know the difference between focused awareness and mindful awareness Firstly, we emphasize that mindfulness is more than just calm and concentration. If mindfulness training is to be distinguishable from relaxation or attention training, children need to learn about the mind and develop certain qualities of awareness—like openness, curiosity and care. After stilling the mind using [...]

By |2021-03-01T17:57:42+11:00May 1st, 2017|Categories: Mental Illness|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Being A Perfectionist Is Closely Linked With Anxiety And Depression Among Teens

Were you the kid in school who always aimed for an A-plus in every test, often pitting yourself against your classmates? Perhaps you're at university and ever striving for that distinction average. You would probably consider yourself a perfectionist. "Perfectionism works on a continuum. At one end, you have people who aspire and work hard [...]

The Effect That Childhood Trauma Has On Mental Health

We know events like childhood trauma cause physiological changes in one’s body. These changes in turn correlate with behavioral changes that manifest themselves as symptoms, and what psychiatry and its DSM-5 do is assign labels to certain clusters and combinations of these symptomatic manifestations, with each label representing and naming an individual and distinct mental [...]

How Student Happiness Is Crucial To Learning

Parents and schools spend a lot of time worrying about how kids measure up academically. Less attention goes to how happy kids are while they’re learning, and what that means for parents and schools. The OECD is trying to change that. New results from its high-profile PISA test, used to measure student achievement among 15-year-olds [...]

By |2021-03-01T17:59:13+11:00May 1st, 2017|Categories: Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Tips For Coping If You’re Struggling With Depression

Having depression is like wearing a dark pair of sunglasses. It starts to color your worldview and suddenly everything can feel very hollow and hopeless. You might find that things which used to bring you joy, now are met with a deep sense of numbness. Your thoughts may begin to get increasingly negative. You might [...]

Children As Young As Four Are Suffering From Mental Health Problems

Schools are struggling to access support to deal with a surge in the number of children and young people suffering from mental health issues. Evidence given from teachers across the country suggests children as young as four are suffering from mental health problems such as panic attacks, eating disorders, anxiety and depression. Responding to a [...]

More Teens Than Ever Before Meet The Criteria For Having Mental Health Issues

Nearly 1 in 4 Australian teenagers meet the criteria for having a "probable serious mental illness", a joint report from Mission Australia and the Black Dog Institute has found. The Five Year Mental Health Youth Report presented findings from the past five Mission Australia youth surveys, during which thousands of adolescents answered questions on several [...]

Too Many Ways For Children To Be Groomed For Betting And Gambling

“It’s high time we looked seriously at the many ways in which children are being groomed for betting and gambling” says Prof Elizabeth Handsley, President of the Australian Council on Children and the Media . Children who watch sport on TV, particularly at weekends,  alone or with their families, will see many betting ads.  They [...]

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