
Better Communication Can Help Save Lives From Suicide

An Australian suicide study has shown a worrying failure in communication between family members and health professionals. Professor Brian Draper, lead researcher from UNSW, said the study identified a gap in the medical guideline about health professionals sharing information with relatives. The research team examined 74 suicide cases in New South Wales and Queensland, and [...]

More Teens Than Ever Before Meet The Criteria For Having Mental Health Issues

Nearly 1 in 4 Australian teenagers meet the criteria for having a "probable serious mental illness", a joint report from Mission Australia and the Black Dog Institute has found. The Five Year Mental Health Youth Report presented findings from the past five Mission Australia youth surveys, during which thousands of adolescents answered questions on several [...]

Men’s Self-reliance Linked To Risk Of Self-harm

Data from nearly 14,000 men shows those who strongly identify as self-reliant are more likely to have suicidal thoughts. For the first time large-scale empirical research has linked notions of what it is to be a man with suicidal thoughts, which the researchers argue puts a spotlight on the societal attitudes that may be putting [...]

Strong Link Between Disadvantage And Suicide

The state of the economy, including low incomes, job insecurity, zero-hours contracts, unmanageable debts and poor housing, is putting people at increased risk of suicide, according to a report by the Samaritans. The report, Dying from Inequality, says there is “overwhelming evidence of a strong link between socioeconomic disadvantage and suicidal behaviour”. It says governments [...]

Can Artificial Intelligence Curb The Trend of Live Suicides?

Mental-health experts say there is no question that social media is becoming a platform for public suicide. The concern is that people who are planning to take their own lives can broadcast their own deaths in real time — which is not only devastating for those who die but also for those watching it happen online. Facebook said Wednesday that it is bolstering [...]

A Single Concussion May Triple The Long-term Risk Of Suicide

Concussions are now known to be much more serious injuries than once thought. And the danger may not be limited to the immediate repercussions. Researchers have already linked more severe traumatic brain injury to later suicide—particularly in military veterans and professional athletes—and have more recently explored the connection between concussion and depression. Now, new research [...]

The Disturbing Trend Of Live-streamed Suicides

Trigger warning: this post contains descriptions of suicides that might be disturbing. If the content upsets or distresses you, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14. Just like that, Naika Venant was live. The 14-year-old girl was on Facebook, broadcasting from a bathroom at her foster home in southeastern Florida. Then, she was hanging from a scarf tied [...]

Your Smartphone Knows A Lot About You, But What About Your Mental Health?

Flickr Images Smartphones come with an assortment of sensors that can track behaviours such as our internet search and browse history, where we go, what music we listen to, who we speak to, just to name a few. The habitual nature of people means this data could be used to give insight into [...]

After A Suicide Attempt, The Risk Of Another Try

Pixabay Images A common yet highly inaccurate belief is that people who survive a suicide attempt are unlikely to try again. In fact, just the opposite is true. Within the first three months to a year following a suicide attempt, people are at highest risk of a second attempt — and this time [...]

Why Building Young Boys’ Mental Resilience Is So Important As A Parent (And How To Do It)

Getty Images For hundreds of years, young boys have been brought up with the belief that to be a “real” man, you have to be tough. The notion of having physical resilience as a way to get by in life seems to have overshadowed the equally important need for mental resilience. Artist Grayson [...]

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