
Heavy Metal Music has Negative Impacts on Youth

Dr McFerran said parents should be aware of their children’s music listening habits, pick up on early warning signs and take early action. “If parents are worried, they should ask their children questions like – how does that music make you feel? If children say the music reflects or mirrors the way they feel then [...]

Man Dies After Three-Day Internet Gaming Binge

A Taiwanese man has died after a three-day gaming binge at an internet cafe in the island's south, the second such case this year.The 32-year-old, identified by his family name Hsieh, was found slumped in his chair in the cafe in Kaohsiung city. Other patrons initially thought he was sleeping, but when an employee realised [...]

Samantha Armytage Becomes a Swimsuit Cover Model

In her own words Sunrise co-host Samantha Armytage reveals a healthy self-confidence as she prepares for her first magazine swimsuit shoot as the "fat police" scrutinise her weight. "I'm not some type of scrubber," she declares as the crew from Australian Women's Weekly (AWW) fuss about her. On Thursday, Armytage will appear on the magazine's cover in a [...]

Has The Sun Newspaper Quietly Dropped Page 3 Girls?

The reported move follows a campaign launched in September 2012 to force the paper into dropping its daily diet of topless pictures. Called No More Page 3, it attracted more than 215,000 signatories to an online petition. The campign was also supported by organisations including the Girl Guides and the Welsh Assembly. More than 30 [...]

The 10 stuff-ups We All Make When Interpreting Research

What do we actually mean by research and how does it help inform our understanding of things? Understanding what’s being said in any new research can be challenging and there are some common mistakes that people make. Have you ever tried to interpret some new research to work out what the study means in the [...]

Half of Dr. Oz’s Medical Advice is Baseless or Wrong, Study Says

“I haven’t seen a doctor in eight years,” the New Yorker quoted one viewer telling Oz. “I’m scared. You’re the only one I trust.” But is that trust misplaced? Or has Oz, who often peddles miracle cures for weight loss and other maladies, mortgaged medical veracity for entertainment value? These questions have hammered Oz for [...]

The latest DrinkWise Ad is a Beer Commercial, Not Public Health Message

There is an art to creating a faux public health ad that, far from damaging your bottom line, actually enhances it. That’s a win for the alcohol industry, but a big loss for the rest of us. So what is wrong with the DrinkWise advertisement? - Michael Thorn is CEO of the Foundation for Alcohol Research and [...]

Target Australia pulls Grand Theft Auto V from Shelves after Customer Feedback on Violence

Target Australia has pulled R-rated video game Grand Theft Auto V from its shelves and says it will no longer sell it following feedback from customers about the game's depictions of violence against women. The decision to pull the game — which sparked an immediate backlash from gamers — appeared to be in response to [...]

K-Mart’s Grand Theft Auto Ban Widens

K-Mart is now pulling all copies of Grand Theft Auto off the shelves. That includes Grand Theft Auto 4 and its various spin-off episodes. This is in addition to the stop-sale of Grand Theft Auto V titles from K-Mart stores around the country. Grand Theft Auto V was pulled from sale this morning, following a [...]

Can You Really Buy “Wonderful?”

One of Australia’s biggest stores has re-launched its brand for the first time in a decade. In its new TV advert, Myer has moved away from its “My Store” brand to a new stance that claims it’s time to “find wonderful.” The advert sets up for the punchline by questioning where wonderful went. Remember when [...]

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