Positive Psychology

How parents can increase motivation and confidence in children: Part 1

Download article as a PDF Motivation is a slippery customer. Just when you want to rely on it, it puts its feet up, takes a few days off & generally wants to be about as active as a sloth on long service leave. Your ‘get up & go’ has ‘got up & gone’. A Brief [...]

By |2024-07-08T17:14:12+10:00July 8th, 2024|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Positive Psychology|Tags: |0 Comments

What is resilience? A psychologist explains the main ingredients that help people manage stress

Rachel Goldsmith Turow, Seattle University The word resilience can be perplexing. Does it mean remaining calm when faced with stress? Bouncing back quickly? Growing from adversity? Is resilience an attitude, a character trait or a skill set? And can misperceptions about resilience hurt people, rather than help? To sum it up in a sentence: Resilience [...]

By |2024-05-14T13:25:11+10:00May 6th, 2024|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Positive Psychology|Tags: |0 Comments

How to be kind to yourself (without going to a day spa)

Lydia Brown, The University of Melbourne “I have to be hard on myself,” Sarah told me in a recent telehealth psychology session. “I would never reach my potential if I was kind and let myself off the hook.” I could empathise with this fear of self-compassion from clients such as Sarah (not [...]

By |2024-05-14T13:25:31+10:00May 6th, 2024|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Positive Psychology|Tags: |0 Comments

Teaching positive psychology skills at school may be one way to help student mental health and happiness

Kai Zhuang Shum, University of Tennessee Youth mental health has worsened significantly over the past decade, but new interventions that teach positive psychology concepts in school may help. American young people are reporting historically high levels of hopelessness, sadness and loneliness. According to the most recent data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and [...]

By |2024-03-20T09:55:54+11:00March 13th, 2024|Categories: Positive Psychology|Tags: |1 Comment

The GN podcast with Andrew Fuller: The rites of passage for young people

Join Andrew Fuller as he chats with guest Dr Arne Rubinstein on the rites of passage in young people. Rites of passage and how this applies to young people How young people deal with difficult times during teenage-hood and transitioning to adulthood Strategies to include parents in the rites of passage transition for young people [...]

By |2023-12-11T16:55:41+11:00November 22nd, 2023|Categories: Learning, Podcast, Positive Psychology, Resilience|Tags: |0 Comments

‘Mum, can you play with me?’ It’s important to play with your kids but let them make the rules

Victoria Whitington, University of South Australia Young children love to play with their mums and dads. But for busy parents, it’s often the last thing they feel like doing. Running a home and family, doing paid work and trying to squeeze in some personal time mean parents don’t have a lot of time or energy [...]

By |2023-12-05T13:59:06+11:00November 15th, 2023|Categories: Learning, Positive Psychology|Tags: |0 Comments

Students with strong self-belief are happier and more successful – as our study shows

Na Li, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University; Pengfei Song, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, and Xiaojun Zhang, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Students’ success and happiness can be improved by building their self-belief – their perception of their capacity to complete a challenging task. In a study with 763 students at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in China, we found that students with [...]

By |2023-11-13T10:10:45+11:00November 6th, 2023|Categories: Learning, Positive Psychology|Tags: |0 Comments

Building a powerful self-identity: Why it matters for adolescents

Tanya Stephenson, Research Officer and Teaching Associate, Faculty of Education Adolescence is a time of self-discovery and identity formation, when young people begin to establish a sense of who they are, what they believe in, and where they fit in the world. This makes adolescence a sensitive developmental window, characterised by [...]

By |2023-11-06T11:32:40+11:00October 30th, 2023|Categories: Positive Psychology, Resilience|Tags: |0 Comments

Increasing Motivation Part 2

Download PDF here! This is the second paper on motivation. The previous paper focused on creating & regulating a dopamine-based classroom. One of the characteristics of neurodivergent kids that I admire is, if they don’t see a point to doing something they won’t do it. End of story. Most of them are harder to [...]

By |2024-01-24T15:19:23+11:00August 21st, 2023|Categories: Positive Psychology|Tags: |0 Comments

Increasing Motivation Part 1

Download PDF here! Motivation is a slippery customer. Just when you want to rely on it, it puts its feet up, takes a few days off & generally wants to be about as active as a sloth on long service leave. Your ‘get up & go’ has ‘got up & gone’. A Slightly Potted [...]

By |2024-01-24T15:19:09+11:00August 14th, 2023|Categories: Positive Psychology|Tags: |2 Comments
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