Science & Research

The More We Learn about Memory, the Weirder It Gets For much of the history of brain science, the word “engram” has been a bit of a catch-all term, referring to the hypothetical physical incarnation of memory. If this turned out to be a storm of electrical activity, then that’s what the engram would be; if it turned out that networks of physical neurons were the [...]

By |2015-12-12T20:34:04+11:00December 12th, 2015|Categories: Science & Research|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Eighty Children Get Chickenpox at Brunswick North West Primary, a School that Calls for ‘Tolerance’ of Vaccine Dodgers

The school says it respects 'the rights of every family to make choices about immunisation'. Photo: iStockphoto There has been a chickenpox outbreak at a Melbourne primary school that actively welcomes pupils who have not been immunised. Up to 80 of the 320 pupils at Brunswick North West Primary in Melbourne's north have [...]

People Who Like “Pseudo-Profound” Quotes Are Not So Smart, Says Science

(AP Photo/Dan Balilty) “By maturing, we self-actualize.” “We dream, we vibrate, we are reborn.” “Choice is the driver of purpose.” If you found yourself rolling your eyes at the above quotes, congratulations: Your cynicism may be a sign of intelligence, according to a study published in November in the journal Judgment and Decision Making. Researchers [...]

Epigenetics: Phenomenon or Quackery?

Are you really what your mother ate, drank or got stressed about? The simple answer is “no”, but not in the way you think. We are products of nature via nurture. Our genes and environments interact. And “environment” can be what we are experiencing now or at any time during our life. An overwhelming body [...]

Can Neuroscience Solve the Mystery of How Students Learn?

Can new research into neuroscience unlock how learning takes place? Photograph: Ben Edwards/Getty Image No one knows how much knowledge students take home with them after a day at school. Tests, homework and inspections give a snapshot of learning but ultimately it’s something that you cannot see; it’s invisible and personal. The educational [...]

By |2015-11-23T16:05:53+11:00November 22nd, 2015|Categories: Science & Research, Technology|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Self-proclaimed Experts More Vulnerable to the Illusion of Knowledge

shutterstock New research reveals that the more people think they know about a topic in general, the more likely they are to allege knowledge of completely made-up information and false facts, a phenomenon known as "overclaiming." The findings are published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. "Our work [...]

The Brain-Gut Axis, Part 1 

istockphoto Traditional Eastern medicine has long acknowledged the importance of the gut. But evidence-based medicine, colloquially called Western medicine despite being practiced all over the world, has long disregarded a possible link between the brain and the gut – until recently, because a paradigm shift in neuroscience is now taking place. - Sara [...]

By |2015-11-15T20:12:59+11:00November 12th, 2015|Categories: Science & Research|Tags: , , , , , |1 Comment

Drugs, Greed and a Dead Boy

Andrew Francesco at age 8. Credit Steven Francesco Andrew Francesco was a rambunctious, athletic and joyful child, but also a handful. When he was 5 years old, a psychiatrist prescribed Ritalin. As he grew older, he disrupted classes and was given a growing number of potent antipsychotic and other medications. These didn’t work, [...]

Your Brain on Porn and Other Sexual Images 

dailymail A recent neurology study found that the more porn a man watched, the less gray matter he had in his brain. The study made headlines the world over, prompting an anonymous listener to ask whether such sexual stimulation is indeed bad for the brain. So just what is the effect of sexual [...]

Could A ‘Sniff Test’ Lead to Early Autism Diagnosis?, Photo: Evan Robold We can identify autism and its severity with meaningful accuracy within less than 10 minutes using a test that is completely nonverbal and entails no task to follow. This raises the hope that these findings could form the base for development of a diagnostic tool that can be applied [...]

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