Science & Research

7 Ways to Change Your Attitude When You Can’t Change Anything Else

Change your perception, belief or opinion about your circumstances. Doing so will help you change your attitude and ultimately allow you to grow beyond the struggles you can’t control. Sometimes changing your circumstances isn’t possible – or simply not possible soon enough. You can’t get to a new job in an instant. You can’t make [...]

Toxic Exposure Is Causing A Pandemic of Brain Disorders in Kids

Some chemicals—lead, mercury and organophosphate pesticides, for example—have long been recognized as toxic substances that can have lasting effects on children’s neurological health. But scientists are also now discovering that chemical compounds common in outdoor air—including components of vehicle exhaust and fine particulate matter—as well as in indoor air and consumer products can also adversely [...]

Why Do Meth Addicts Appear to Age So Rapidly?

By now, most of us have seen the shocking before and after pics of people addicted to methamphetamines. Exactly what is happening inside each cell to cause such striking changes to a person’s face and body? Meth, scientists from the Italian Institute of Technology and UC Irvine say, causes abnormalities in the fat metabolism of [...]

By |2015-02-20T23:04:05+11:00February 20th, 2015|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol, Science & Research|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Cerebral Palsy – It Can Be In Your Genes

It has long been the belief that cerebral palsy occurs when a child experiences a lack of oxygen during pregnancy or at birth; however, the Australian Collaborative Cerebral Palsy Research Group, based at the University of Adelaide's Robinson Research Institute, has found at least 14% of cerebral palsy cases are likely caused by a genetic [...]

Using an iPad or Smartphone Can Harm A Toddler’s Learning and Social Skills

Children younger than 30 months “cannot learn from television and videos as they do from real-life interactions.” And to use a mobile device before that age on tasks that aren’t educational can be “detrimental to the social-emotional development of the child.” Of particular concern, according to the recommendations, was how such technology could “interfere” with [...]

Free Will is NOT An Illusion

The implications of this debate are profound. It determines our world view of whether we are victims of genetics and environment or bear responsibility for our intentions, decisions, and choices. I contend we are responsible for what we make of our brains and for our choices and decisions in life. In a free-will world, people [...]

Harvard Study: Where Does Happiness Really Come From?

“…It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Research proves this advice is scientifically sound. In a recent study from Harvard University, “Prosocial Spending and Happiness: Using Money to Benefit Others Pays Off” researchers looked at the connection between giving and happiness. Their paper clearly establishes a link between spending money on others versus [...]

Development of Psychosis: Gray Matter Loss and the Inflamed Brain

The thickness of cortical brain tissue progressively reduces as individuals develop psychosis, according to researchers of a large, multi-site study of young adults at clinical high risk. Onset of psychosis typically occurs during the transition from adolescence to early adulthood, a period of time when the brain is also maturing, they note. - Elsevier via Development [...]

The 10 stuff-ups We All Make When Interpreting Research

What do we actually mean by research and how does it help inform our understanding of things? Understanding what’s being said in any new research can be challenging and there are some common mistakes that people make. Have you ever tried to interpret some new research to work out what the study means in the [...]

Neuroscience Has Proved That P0rn is Literally Making Men’s Brains More Juvenile

Scientists are now seeing that continued exposure to porn gives the brain an unnatural high—something it literally isn’t wired to handle—and the brain eventually fatigues. Anatomy and physiology instructor Gary Wilson notes this is the same pattern noticed when drugs are abused: the brain becomes desensitized. More of the drug or harder drugs are needed [...]

By |2015-01-16T15:10:10+11:00January 16th, 2015|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol, Science & Research|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments
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