Science & Research

Problem gambling, substance abuse problems are correlated, finds new study

Problem gamblers are a hidden population among people with mental health or substance abuse issues who often don't get the treatment they need, a new study shows. Anywhere from 10 to 20 per cent of people with substance abuse problems also have significant gambling problem, yet few programs are targeted at them and most social [...]

Alcohol breaks brain connections needed to process social cues

Alcohol intoxication reduces communication between two areas of the brain that work together to properly interpret and respond to social signals, according to researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine. via Alcohol breaks brain connections needed to process social cues.

Depression Symptoms May Manifest Differently in Men

Men may suffer from depression about as often as women, according to a new study from the University of Michigan. Traditionally, women have been diagnosed with depression about double the rate of men, with approximately 20 percent of women becoming depressed at some point in their lifetime. In recent years, however, some researchers have wondered [...]

Brain Size Linked To Eating Disorders?

Is brain size related to eating disorders? University of Colorado researchers discovered that girls with anorexia nervosa had a larger insula, a part of the brain that is active when tasting food, in comparison to girls without the disorder. They also found evidence of a larger orbitofrontal cortex, a part of the brain that signals [...]

How parents see themselves may affect their child’s brain and stress level

A mother's perceived social status predicts her child's brain development and stress indicators, finds a study at Boston Children's Hospital. While previous studies going back to the 1950s have linked objective socioeconomic factors -- such as parental income or education -- to child health, achievement and brain function, the new study is the first to [...]

Gut feelings: the future of psychiatry may be inside your stomach

While researchers have established a compelling link between gut bacteria and mental health, they’re still trying to figure out the extent to which the human microbiome — once it’s populated in early childhood — can be transformed. via Gut feelings: the future of psychiatry may be inside your stomach | The Verge.

Glue ear mystery solved

Dr Thornton and her team discovered that sticky nets of DNA hide the bacteria in the ears of kids with recurrent middle-ear infections, and evade antibiotic treatment by creating impenetrable slimy biofilms. The researchers are targeting these nets with a drug that has already proven its ability to help kids with cystic fibrosis by breaking [...]

That gut feeling

The days of analyzing a patient's gut bacteria to treat her depression or anxiety are probably far away. Still, scientists following this line of research have become increasingly convinced that to fully understand our emotions and behaviors, we need to study the gut as much as the brain. via That gut feeling.

FASD impacts brain development throughout childhood and adolescence not just at birth

Medical researchers at the University of Alberta recently published findings showing that brain development is delayed throughout childhood and adolescence for people born with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Christian Beaulieu and Carmen Rasmussen, the two primary investigators in the research study, recently published the results of their work in the peer-reviewed journal, The Journal of [...]

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