Science & Research

Gun violence in America – the scary facts

DID YOU KNOW? In one year on average, almost 100,000 people in America are shot or killed with a gun. In one year, 31,593 people died from gun violence and 66,769 people survived gun injuries (National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC)). That includes: 12,179 people murdered and 44,466 people shot in an attack [...]

By |2012-08-17T17:41:31+10:00July 24th, 2012|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol, Science & Research|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Is The Science Of Brain Imaging Overrated?

Hardly a week passes without some sensational news about brain scans unleashing yet another secret of our cognitive faculties. Very recently I stumbled upon the news that according to recent research neuroscientists can tell, depending on your brain responses, whether you and your significant one will still be together in a few years: “You might hide [...]

Controversial Science of Brain Imaging

It seems that neuroscience reductionism is now replacing its genetic counterpart to find an explanation for everything about ourselves using neuronal correlates instead of genes. While I understand and acknowledge the astonishing advancement of science and its benefits, I tend to think that this infinite spiral of reductionist path may not allow us to make [...]

Is the Internet Making Us Crazy? What the New Research Says

Questions about the Internet’s deleterious effects on the mind are at least as old as hyperlinks. But even among Web skeptics, the idea that a new technology might influence how we think and feel—let alone contribute to a great American crack-up—was considered silly and naive, like waving a cane at electric light or blaming the [...]

By |2012-08-17T17:44:29+10:00July 19th, 2012|Categories: Cybersafety, Science & Research|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Impact of music videos on men’s body image and mood

Buff blokes in music videos are giving Australian men a complex, according to new research that has found exposure to video clips of attractive and muscular singers can make men feel less satisfied with their own bodies. Dr Kate Mulgrew of the University of the Sunshine Coast, says the work, published in the journal Body [...]

Bully Psychology: Where Evolution And Morality Collide

In the most basic terms, bullying is about dominating – and we come from ancestors who were big into the dominance hierarchy. As Christopher Boehm, PhD, who literally wrote the book on it (Moral Origins), says, “Any species that has a social dominance hierarchy, like apes or monkeys or wild dogs or lions, has bullies.” [...]

Concussion Is a Serious Problem for Child Athletes

Doctors and public health experts are concerned about the effect of repeat concussions that occur before the brain has had a chance to heal from a prior impact. More research on how they affect younger brains is urgently needed. In addition, coaches, parents and school officials need to pay closer attention to what is already [...]

Tips on how to tackle anxiety in young people

10% of children have problems coping with anxiety* Some children are very easy going and nothing seems to bother them. However many other children worry about all sorts of things, and when these normal everyday worries turn into anxiety it can be very difficult for a young person to participate in and experience school and [...]

Neurobiology and the Selfless Impulse

Recent studies in the field of Neuroscience have been looking to uncover the anatomical basis for charity and empathy. The scientists in question are well aware that this is a contentious area, representing a convergence between science and religion: “Eventually, you are bound to get into areas that for thousands of years we have preferred [...]

By standing up for sex workers are we standing up for pimps?

There now exists a mountain of empirical research, not only from feminist social scientists, but also from psychologists, clinicians, nurses, anthropologists and economists, of the harms of prostitution for women. These harms include post-traumatic stress disorder, genital and other physical injuries, pregnancy, depression and anxiety, and social isolation. It has been known since the late [...]

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