Science & Research

Second hand smoke dulls the brain & increases addiction

It has long been the view of experts that second hand smoke (SHS) can be harmful to both smokers and non smokers alike. It is now recognised that exposure to SHS, especially among young people, can influence their risk of taking up smoking as biologically, inhaled smoke increases the urge to smoke. A recent study, [...]

A green hour a day keeps the doctor away

The great outdoors used to be the playground and learning place for many children.  However, with the introduction of new technologies and changing lifestyles, children are spending more and more time sitting still and interacting with a screen rather than with nature. Gone are the long hours of unstructured play mucking around in the backyard or [...]

How marketing campaigns influence young drinkers

Facts and figures showing the influence marketing campaigns have on young American drinkers highlight the alarming lengths that the alcohol industry will go to in order to capture the teen market. The drinking habits of young people in Australia are very similar to their counter parts in the USA. These facts reflect a growing trend [...]

Alcohol is big risk factor in cancer

5% of cancer cases are attributable to long-term, chronic use of alcohol. 22% of the nation’s breast cancer cases can be linked to alcohol consumption *. “There is no evidence from studies in human populations that any alcohol consumption provides protection against cancer. Alcohol is a significant risk factor for some cancers, particularly those of [...]

Social sensitivity is key to success; and women have lots

A new study has emerged, Evidence for a Collective Intelligence Factor in the Performance of Human Groups, which examines the hypothesis that groups (like individuals) do have characteristic levels of intelligence, known as collective intelligence, which can be measured and used to predict the groups’ performance on a wide variety of tasks. It seems that [...]

Study: Porn is a poor and dangerous sex educator

“Exposure to pornography among young children may be disturbing or upsetting. It helps to sustain young people's adherence to sexist and unhealthy notions of sex and relationships. And, especially among boys and young men who are frequent consumers of pornography, including of more violent materials, consumption intensifies attitudes supportive of sexual coercion and increases their [...]

How children become desensitised to violence and consider it normal

A recent study considered the longitudinal effects of exposing children to violence and aggressive behaviour.  It found that the more violence children are exposed to at a young age, the more they consider it to be normal behaviour and what’s more they are more likely to engage in aggressive behaviour towards others. The study said [...]

Scientists say cancer from oral sex more common than cancer from tobacco

225% increase in oral cancer cases in the USA since 1974 50% of sexually active Americans will get HPV at some point*  Research in the USA has found that in America oral cancer due to the human papillomaviruses  (HPV) infection is now more common than oral cancer from tobacco use. Maura Gillison of Ohio State University [...]

Seminar – The Body Remembers: Practical therapeutic applications of the neurobiology of trauma

Following recent events around Australia including the fires in WA, the floods in VIC and cyclone Yasi in QLD there will be many young people who have experienced traumatic events. Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) can develop after exposure to traumatic experiences(s) and results from an imbalance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of the Autonomic Nervous [...]

New Scheme to protect young Australians against Chlamydia

66% of tubal infertility & 33% of ectopic pregnancies caused by Chlamydia infection. 63,000 new cases of Chlamydia Australia wide in 2009. With STD’s on the rise among sexually active young Australians, few realise the long term risks of exposing themselves to sexually transmitted diseases. Conditions like Chlamydia often go unnoticed because it does not [...]

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