Science & Research

Changing times for teenage body clocks

A recent study Impact of Delaying School Start Time on Adolescent Sleep, Mood, and Behaviour published in Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine looks at how the sleep patterns of young people change during adolescence and how these changes can affect their overall wellbeing. Timothy Olds, professor in the school of health sciences at the [...]

Putting the spotlight on services at the Children’s Hospital, Westmead NSW

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead is the largest and most highly respected paediatric centre in NSW, providing excellent care for children from NSW, Australia and across the Pacific Rim and is world renowned for providing the best care for sick children and their families. This specialist care, combined with community education, advocacy for improved child’s health [...]

Recent Findings: An Early Developmental Marker of Future Criminality?

Published in Journal Watch Psychiatry. Lack of fear conditioning at age 3 years may signal future criminality. According to a neuro-developmental hypothesis, dysfunction in multiple brain regions may be involved in subsequent criminal offenses. This study investigated the hypothesis that children who poses poor fear conditionings at a young age may be at risk of [...]

The impact on children of sexualisation in the media

Writer Professor Louise Newman. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists is concerned about the sexualisation of children in the contemporary media. Professor Louise Newman, of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, recently presented ‘Too hot to handle: The psychological impact of sexualisation in the media’ at the Australian Conference [...]

Recent Findings: the facts about cereal nutrition for children

The Facts about cereal nutrition and food marketing to children. Published in "Journal Watch Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine", November 15 2009 Cereal companies worldwide speak to children early through everything from TV advertising and product placement on their favourite foods and clothing to the DVD's they watch and the games they play. Their campaigns are aggressive, direct and most [...]

Parenting found to reduce blood pressure

An American study has found that couples with children have lower blood pressure then childless couples. The counter-intuitive results were explained as resulting from the sense of meaning  parents derived from their children. The study controlled for factors such as health, age and weight. Lead author of the study Dr Julianne Hold-Lunstad explained how the [...]

Television increases risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer

Australian Research has found a link between watching television and ill health, finding that each hour of TV per a day that people watch increases their overall risk of dying form all causes by 11 per cent. The study, published in the journal Circulation, also found that the additional hour increases the risk of dying [...]

Guest Post: The Positive Body Image Debate

By Melinda Hutchings. Last week an intense debate erupted over Jennifer Hawkins appearing naked and unretouched on the cover of the current issue of Marie Claire – and whether she represents a role model for positive body image. Media personality Bianca Dye, who also posed nude for a recent issue of Madison, made the point [...]

Girls hitting puberty earlier, becoming more aggressive

An Australian study has found that girls are hitting puberty earlier. The study also found evidence to suggest that girls are just as aggressive as boys while in puberty. The study attributed the decrease in the age of onset of puberty to an increase in obesity in young women, which also resulted in the girls [...]

Child tooth problems now 'epidemic'

Almost half of under four-year-old Australian children suffer from untreated tooth decay while thousands of dollars are spent to treat the problem, the Australian Dental Association (ADA) has reported. ADA president Dr Neil Hewsen noted that while there was a steady decline in childhood dental problems over the last 20 years, the most recent figures [...]

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