Science & Research

Study investigates youth drug use and perceptions

Results of the annual American National Institute on Drug Abuse survey Monitoring the Future were released yesterday, revealing the patterns of drug use and perception in young people in America. The survey of over 46,000 year 8, 10 and 12 students found that the use of many drugs including alcohol, methamphetamines, cocaine, hallucinogens and cigarettes [...]

Indirect television exposure increases aggression in 3-year-olds

An American study has linked television use to aggression in three-year-olds, even if the child wasn't watching the TV. The study which collected survey data from over 3,000 mothers found that indirect exposure, such as the TV use by other members of the household, increased aggression in the children and could have a detrimental impact [...]

Study: Children's development not damaged by working mothers

A British study of 17,000 parents and their children found that mothers who return to work before their child's first birthday do not harm their child's mental development. The study examined children born in the 1990s with a series of tests and questionnaires. Co-author of the study, Professor Heather Joshi, described why the study is [...]

Why your GP's confidence is so important to your children

A recent survey asked parents about visiting GPs with their adolescent children. The survey asked questions ranging from "which topics should be discussed during health visits with your children" to "how important do you think it is for your child to have a confidential discussion with a GP". The survey revealed an interesting fact: while [...]

Fish oil may prevent schizophrenia

Researchers in Austria have found a daily dose of fish oil may greatly reduce the risk of schizophrenia in young people, with studies suggesting people who take fish oil on a regular basis may decrease the likelihood of developing psychosis by as much as seven times. In the study, 81 participants were either given a [...]

15% of five-year-olds have abnormally high depression

A Canadian study has found that 15% of five-year-olds suffer from abnormally high levels of depression and anxiety. The study, which ran for 5 years and tested over 1,700 children, also found that children with a difficult temperament at the age of five months were more likely to go on to develop abnormally high levels [...]

HIV and AIDS: how much do your children know?

A global study has found that almost half of young people know dangerously little about HIV and AIDS. The study found that over 80% of the respondents believed HIV and AIDS are the greatest challenge of our time, however over a third did not believe condoms would be effective at preventing the spread of HIV, [...]

70% of US children have insufficient vitamin D

A US study has found 70% of children have low levels of vitamin D, putting them at risk of developing weak bones, rickets and heart disease. The study examined survey data from over 6,000 children ranging from 1-21 years of age, and also found that 9% of the children surveyed suffered from a serious vitamin [...]

Video game addiction

For most people, playing video games is a harmless hobby. For some people however, video games can become an obsession, leading to a number of addictive tendencies including the preference to play games rather then engaging in regular activities. Unfortunately there is a lack of reliable studies examining video game addiction and so little is [...]

Study finds cannabis can make healthy people psychotic

A new study by British researches has proven conclusively that using skunk cannabis can result in psychosis in healthy people. The study was carried out on 22 men in their late 20s who were injected with either the active component of skunk cannabis or a dummy placebo. The research team concluded: "These findings confirm that [...]

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