Sexual Education

In a virtual universe of ‘perfect’ bodies, Instagram’s new policy offers important protection for young users

Instagram recently announced posts promoting diet products and cosmetic procedures will no longer be visible to users under the age of 18. While the initiative is being led by Instagram, the policy will also be in place on Facebook. Under the policy, posts that feature an incentive to buy a product, such as a discount [...]

By |2019-10-01T17:16:37+10:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Body Image, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

How to talk to your children about sexual consent

Parents and caregivers often wait until their children are older to talk about sexual consent. And many parents often leave “the sex talk” altogether – hoping that schools will do it instead. The most recent guidance for teaching consent under the relationship and sex education curriculum simply advises that lessons should be provided before the [...]

By |2020-03-09T11:29:22+11:00September 9th, 2019|Categories: Consent, Sexual Education|0 Comments

Teenage sexting linked to increased sexual behaviour, drug use and poor mental health

You glance at your teen’s smartphone and see a text message light up the screen. Was that a sext you just saw? Questions flood your mind. Is this what kids are doing nowadays? Does this mean my child is having sex too? Sexting — the exchange of sexual messages, photographs or videos via technological devices [...]

Getting teens to follow strict diets in the Fast Track trial is risky, but so is obesity itself

The Fast Track to Health study is a year-long dietary trial in adolescents with obesity. Since it started in Sydney and Melbourne at the end of 2018, it has been criticised for increasing the risk of eating disorders in people who may be especially vulnerable to these conditions. Sydney-based clinical psychologist Louise Adams started up [...]

Student Wellbeing Program A Review

Generation Next ‘s first Student and Youth Wellbeing Program of 2019 was a huge success. The beautiful creative confines of the Casula Powerhouse Performing Arts Centre provided a backdrop for a day of wellbeing education. It wasn’t just the excellent students from local schools that got to participate, but also more than ten thousand teens [...]

Wellbeing Education for Teens

“Participating in this event helped me see where my fellow peers sit in terms of different things that impact us in our teenage lives. Seeing the amount of people across the country who are thinking about the same things I am is encouraging and empowering” said a year 12 student from last year’s Generation Next [...]

Children As Young As 8 Years Old Are Battling With Poor Body Image

Startling new research has found that Aussie kids as young as eight are suffering from poor body image, and the consequences could be catastrophic. Children as young as eight are suffering from body image issues that could have serious and long-term health consequences, startling new research has found. A study released by the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute has discovered a link [...]

By |2019-02-15T10:53:47+11:00February 15th, 2019|Categories: Body Image, Society & Culture|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Why Doesn’t Sex Ed Cover Body Image?

Without a doubt, American sexual education needs a lot of work. Only 25 states even mandate that it be taught in public schools, and only 13 states require those sex ed programs to be medically accurate. In 2016, a study published by the Guttmacher Institute found today's teens are actually receiving less education on topics like contraception and STI prevention than they [...]

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