
Optimal Sleep Times for Children and Adolescents

The question of how much sleep children and adolescents need seems simple on its surface, but is actually not that easy to answer definitively. The question is almost always raised in terms of how many hours of sleep are needed, and typically the question ends there. Not always stated but implicit in the question is [...]

Sleep Important For Recovery In Comorbid Depression

BOSTON — Patients with comorbid depression and insomnia who sleep at least 7 hours nightly are more likely to benefit from cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI) and achieve depression remission, preliminary results from the Treatment of Insomnia and Depression (TRIAD) Study show. Sleeping 7 hours or more nightly before starting treatment increased the chances of [...]

By |2021-03-03T18:13:06+11:00July 3rd, 2017|Categories: Depression, Sleep, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Improving Sleep In Children With ADHD Has Some Lessons For All Parents

Every evening around the world, parents put their children to bed, hoping they’ll go to sleep easily. For most parents that’s exactly what happens. But for some kids, sleep does not come easily and evenings are a battle. Children with ADHD are much more likely than other kids to struggle getting to sleep, and staying [...]

By |2021-03-03T18:13:35+11:00June 9th, 2017|Categories: Mental Illness, Sleep|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Teenagers’ Sleep Quality And Mental Health At Risk Over Late-night Mobile Phone Use

Teenagers’ late-night mobile phone use is harming their sleep and potentially their mental health, say researchers who advised that “physical boundaries” be set over use of such devices in the bedroom. A longitudinal study of 1,101 Australian high school students aged between 13 and 16 found poor-quality sleep associated with late-night texting or calling was [...]

There’s A Strong Link Between Anxiety And Depression, And Sleep Problems

Good sleep is essential for our mental well-being. Just one night of disturbed sleep can leave us feeling cranky, flat, worried, or sad the next day. So it’s no surprise sleeping problems, like difficulty falling asleep, not getting enough sleep, or regularly disrupted sleep patterns, are associated with anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression, which [...]

Does Technology Use In Toddlers Affect Their Sleep Patterns?

Toddlers who spend time playing on smartphones and tablets seem to get slightly less sleep than those who do not, say researchers. The study in Scientific Reports suggests every hour spent using a touchscreen each day was linked to 15 minutes less sleep. However, those playing with touchscreens do develop their fine motor skills more [...]

Children Struggling To Concentrate At School Due To Lack Of Sleep

Sleep deprivation is a growing problem in schools, with pupils struggling to concentrate in lessons due to lack of sleep, MPs have been told. Edward Timpson, minister for children and families, highlighted the issue while being questioned by MPs who are investigating the role of education in preventing mental health problems in children and young [...]

How Weird Sleep Schedules Disrupt Our Body Clocks

Much like a clock on the wall, our cells have their own 24-hour timeline. When they're in sync, our body clock may act as a protective barrier against mental and physical illnesses. But throw in some jet lag, a night shift or a bout of insomnia, and suddenly the clock's hands are spinning out of [...]

Why technology needs to be out of bedrooms

I have recently returned from a trip to Africa. In the weeks leading up to my trip I was often asked, “Why would you go to Africa to talk on technology?” Because the world is truly a global village! I have seen it with my own eyes.   Other than perhaps extremely remote areas, almost [...]

Caffeine concern over teens and energy drinks

One in three teenagers may be consuming the equivalent of 10 instant coffees a day in energy drinks that can cause insomnia, anxiety and heart problems, a leading sleep expert says. A survey of 110 patients conducted by Chris Seaton, a paediatric sleep specialist from the Westmead Children's Hospital, found 35 per cent of teenagers [...]

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