
How P*rn Changes Teens’ Thoughts About Sex

This talk is a rare thing in the discussion around teen pornography use: a measured, balanced take that doesn't shy away from the harms, but also avoids unhelpful moralising. This is unsurprising given the speaker's stance and background. As a trained social scientist with a sex-positive mindset, Prof Rothman is both trained to be objective [...]

By |2019-11-04T11:58:04+11:00November 4th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

What is ‘attachment’ and how does it affect our relationships?

Research across many years and many cultures has found around 35-40% of people say they feel insecure in their adult relationships. While 60-65% experience secure, loving and satisfying relationships. How secure or insecure we are with our romantic partners depends, in part, on how we bonded with our parents at a young age. From the [...]

By |2019-11-01T13:13:23+11:00October 28th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Teen Matters: Why we need to start listening

If you only listened to the media, you'd think young people today are all problems and no positives. Clinical psychologist Andrew Fuller and educator John Hendry aren't having a bar of it. Although they aren't downplaying the issues facing young Australians, they're quick to point out that young people are now generally smart, responsible and [...]

Helping employees to avoid the post-holiday blues

'What did you do on the holidays?' It’s the common phrase uttered around the office and staff room upon the return to work after school holidays. As kids head back in to the classroom along with school staff and many parents around the country over the next two weeks, it is important to consider the [...]

Generation Next shortlisted for Prime Awards’ NGO of the Year

Generation Next is proud to announce that we were one of just four finalists for 'NGO of the Year' at this year's Prime Awards, recognising excellence in the field of health communications. Competition was stiff, with MS Research Australia and the Movember Foundation Australia also vying for the prestigious award. In the end, it went [...]

By |2019-09-30T17:30:12+10:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

What parents need to know about the signs of child sexual abuse

Recent events, including the conviction and sentencing of George Pell for sexually abusing two children in the 1990s and the documentary airing allegations about Michael Jackson’s abuse of two young boys, have made prominent the topic of child sexual abuse. Many parents may be concerned about the safety of their child, and whether they are [...]

By |2019-09-30T13:42:53+10:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Sexual Assault, Uncategorized|0 Comments

It’s not only teenage girls, and it’s rarely attention-seeking: debunking the myths around self-injury

Non-suicidal self-injury is the deliberate damage of body tissue without conscious suicidal intent. It’s more specific than self-harm, a broader term that can also include suicide attempts. Self-injury is reasonably common, particularly among young people. In community samples, 17% of adolescents and 13% of young adults had engaged in self-injury. Self-injury is associated with underlying [...]

Depression: it’s a word we use a lot, but what exactly is it?

Depression is a serious disorder marked by disturbances in mood, cognition, physiology and social functioning. People can experience deep sadness and feelings of hopelessness, sorrow, emptiness and despair. These core features of depression have expanded to include an inability to experience pleasure, sluggish movements, changes in sleep and eating behaviour, difficulty concentrating and suicidal thoughts. [...]

‘We will never forgive you’: youth is not wasted on the young who fight for climate justice

This week’s United Nations climate summit may go down in history - but not for the reasons intended. It was not the tipping point for action on global warming that organisers hoped it would be. It will instead probably be remembered for the powerful address by Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg, who castigated world leaders [...]

By |2019-09-30T13:25:38+10:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

In a virtual universe of ‘perfect’ bodies, Instagram’s new policy offers important protection for young users

Instagram recently announced posts promoting diet products and cosmetic procedures will no longer be visible to users under the age of 18. While the initiative is being led by Instagram, the policy will also be in place on Facebook. Under the policy, posts that feature an incentive to buy a product, such as a discount [...]

By |2019-10-01T17:16:37+10:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Body Image, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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