
Is There Such A Thing As An Emotional Hangover?

Emotional experiences can induce physiological and internal brain states that persist for long periods of time after the emotional events have ended, a team of New York University scientists has found. This study, which appears in the journal Nature Neuroscience, also shows that this emotional “hangover” influences how we attend to and remember future experiences. [...]

10 Reasons Some of Us Should Cut Back on Alcohol

At this time of year, alcohol promotions, sales and consumption are prominent. Many of us enjoy celebrating a year ended, work and family gatherings, a holiday and a time to kick back and relax. But it can also be a time when we experience adverse consequences of our own or someone else’s drinking. Many of [...]

Growing Up Young

Has adolescence ever been harder for girls, as they enter a world where appearance rivals achievement, and judgement is only a social media comment away? Meet some young women who are navigating this tricky moment in their lives. According to Holly, 15: If I leave the house without make-up, I don't feel as much myself. [...]

Family Checkup: Positive Parenting Prevents Drug Abuse

The following five questions, developed by the Child and Family Center at the University of Oregon, highlight parenting skills that are important in preventing the initiation and progression of drug use among youth.  For each question, a video clip shows positive and negative examples of the skill, and additional videos and information are provided to [...]

By |2017-01-05T12:09:56+11:00January 5th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

The perils of social media?

The analysis showed that people who report using seven to 11 social media platforms had more than three times the risk of depression and anxiety than their peers who use zero to two platforms, even after adjusting for the total time spent on social media overall.Source: The perils of social media? | Total Health | [...]

By |2017-01-05T11:31:15+11:00January 5th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

‘Sexting’ now banned in Victoria

So-called "sexting" without consent is now an offence in Victoria.From Monday, anyone who maliciously or deliberately spreads intimate images of another person - or threatens to do so - faces prosecution under two new offences.The ban applies to intimate images of anyone under the age of 18 as well as images of adults without their [...]

By |2014-11-04T16:28:57+11:00November 4th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Introvert or extrovert, normal or abnormal: the problem with personality types

The idea that people can be classified into types has a long history. Writing 23 centuries ago, the Greek philosopher Theophrastus sketched 30 characters that are instantly recognisable to this day. They include the chatterbox, the back-biter, the ungrateful grumbler, the penny-pincher and the patron of rascals. This ancient attempt to sort people into types [...]

A Biology of Mind

I expected that within 10 years we would have found the major genes that contribute to schizophrenia, depression, and autism. Since then, there has been a lot of enthusiasm about genes and mental illness and some false starts, but surprisingly little progress. via Eric Kandel: A Biology of Mind.

By |2014-07-27T21:59:20+10:00July 27th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments
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