
Coffee combats depression

Caffeine is the world's most widely used central nervous system stimulant. For many women their day doesn’t really kick into action until they have had their morning cup of coffee. Only then can they launch into action and attempt the multi tasking that is required to get through the day. 50,000 middle-aged women took part [...]

Tips on how to get kids to eat their vegies

A recent study of 40 children aged between 3 and 6 years old has shown that most children would benefit from eating more vegetables and those who are overweight or obese would benefit from the decreased energy intake that bulking meals up with vegies would cause. The children, all in day care, were provided with [...]

A win against viewing Gisele Bundchen as a sex object

Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen. Picture: AFP Source: AFP In a country that gave its name to the Brazilian wax it is unusual to find the government standing up for women’s rights. However, Brazil’s Ministry for Women has requested that a TV ad featuring Brazilian model Gisele Bundchen, be banned from airing because it typecasts women [...]

By |2011-10-03T22:04:35+11:00October 3rd, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |1 Comment

Forget IQ: it’s Emotional Intelligence that helps kids settle at school

At the heart of the matter, all every parents really wants is for their child is for them to be the best person they can be. Unfortunately so often pressures from society can often make parents feel that this means a child must excel academically. However it now seems that social and emotional learning (SEL) [...]

Top tips to fight family fatigue

50% of families are suffering from family fatigue. Parents take note! - There’s no need to feel guilty anymore. Slow down, put your feet up, take time for that extra cuppa... relax. The latest research has shown that children need time and space to just play. All their spare time doesn’t need to be taken [...]

Net Savvy: Drug Aware

Drug Aware The Drug Aware - Know what you’re getting into website is a great source of information about drugs and where to get help. The program targets young people with messages about drug use that focus on the prevention of use and associated harm. It aims to do this providing credible, factual information that [...]

Oh La La! Do 4 year olds really need French lingerie?

Designer Sophie Morin has defended her range of ‘loungerie’ for 4 10 12 year old girls, saying “All I wanted to do was offer underwear that is soft and pleasant to wear... that is suited [to] their age, and that wasn’t an extension of women’s labels, which are often vulgar.” However in the market place [...]

Autism common in siblings

A new study Recurrence Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Baby Siblings Research Consortium Study has found that younger siblings of children with Autism face a greater risk of also suffering from the disorder. The study followed a group of infants until they reached 36 months whose older siblings suffered from autism spectrum disorders (ASD). [...]

By |2011-08-20T06:55:24+10:00August 20th, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Spirituality helps protect against alcohol abuse

A recent study Spiritual Beliefs Associated with Better Drinking Outcomes by Steven Dubovsky, MD has found that people who have a religious or spiritual aspect to their lives are more able to have a balanced approach to potentially addictive substances such as alcohol and drugs. The study found that “Changes in beliefs over 6 months [...]

Trash or treasure: how do teenagers look in skin tight clothes?

The pressure for young women to look sexy and hot all the time is making them wear shorter, tighter and more revealing clothes. This is fuelled by the images of what is perceived ‘hot, sexy, successful and independent’ celebrities like Paris Hilton, Katy Perry and Kim Kardashian. All of whom are presented to impressionable teenagers [...]

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