
The key to children succeeding is to teach them empathy

In a ‘me’ world where the media is constantly telling young people that they can be anything they want to be, or have anything they want to have, it is difficult for parents to teach a sense of ‘other’ to their children. In an effort to teach self esteem we have inadvertently installed a need [...]

Smoking pot can lead to mental health issues

Many people, including regular cannabis users, argue that there is no link between using cannabis and the onset of mental health issues later in life. However a longitudinal study spanning 10 years has now shown that new users of cannabis, especially young people, are more likely to develop psychotic symptoms than those who never used [...]

Presssure to be perfect makes women drink before sex

75% of women link to drink before sex with their partners 25% of women ‘tipsy’ first time they slept with their partner 6% have never had sex when sober* Concerns about lack of self esteem and poor body image are driving many women to drink before they engage in sex with their partners. It is [...]

Movie Ratings: do they give parents an adequate guide to film content?

A recent study in the USA, The effectiveness of the motion picture association of America's rating system in screening explicit violence and sex in top-ranked movies from 1950 to 2006, has revealed that the Motion Picture Association of America’s rating system does not reflect the level of violence and sexual imagery contained in a film. [...]

Want to live longer? Keep your cup half full

A review recently undertaken by psychology Professor Ed Diener of the University of Illinois in America, has reported that people with a more relaxed disposition and who see their cup as 'half full' rather than half empty, are more likely to live longer, happier and less stressed lives. The review of more than 160 studies [...]

Parents: how to spot a self absorbed teen

30% of young people are self absorbed How parents can spot a self absorbed teen (teen narcissistic personality disorder) • Fantasies about having exceptional success, attractiveness or power  • Expectations of special treatment  • Over-emphasis on achievements and exaggeration of one's skills  • Exploits other people  • Need for constant praise and validation  • Does not consider others' feelings  • Belief that [...]

Protect our teenagers: say NO to bullying

It is estimated that 25% of school children suffer at the hands of some kind of bullying to the degree that it affects their mental health and wellbeing. Friday 18 March marked Australia’s first annual community awareness campaign to address bullying. This national initiative puts the spotlight on bystander behaviour. Bullying is not just a [...]

How to make sure a young person is getting enough sleep.

Here are some tips from the National Sleep Foundation on how to make sure a young person gets enough good quality sleep. Set and stick to a sleep schedule. Try to get your teenager to go to bed and wake up at the same times each day. Expose them to bright light in the morning [...]

Sleepless in America: the dangers of using new technologies before sleep

The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) recently released its 2011 Sleep in America Poll, Exploring Connections with Communications Technology use and Sleep. The poll found that many teenagers from Generation Z (13 to 18 year olds) are using some type of electronic device like a television, computer, video game or mobile phone in the bedroom during [...]

What are the real drinking habits of young people?

A survey of 16-17 year old WA school students found: 43.3% reported ‘One of the main reasons I drink is to get drunk’. 66.3% reported ‘It is ok to get drunk occasionally’. 50.1% reported ‘Drinking is the best way of relaxing’.* During the time it took to conduct the above survey in WA schools, 46,957 [...]

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