
Youthbeyondblue tackles the tough questions

Youthbeyondblue has a range of free fact sheets available to download from the Youthbeyondblue website. The fact sheets don’t sugar-coat the issues or contain medical jargon – just plain, easy-to-understand facts about problems people commonly experience as a part of growing up. Topics range from depression and anxiety disorders (signs, symptoms and available treatment and [...]

‘Lads Ads’ just a bit of larrikin fun, or the sexualisation of women?

The argument for ‘lads ads’ seems to be much the same as for ‘lads mags’; they aren’t really offensive, just harmless suggestive fun, a bit of titillation with no real damage intended. This of course is from a male perspective. Talk to most women and the response is more like; they are degrading, humiliating and [...]

Energy drinks and alcohol make a lethal cocktail

There are growing concerns within the medical profession that young people are mixing high caffeine ‘energy’ drinks with alcohol. The affects are disastrous and has led Steve Hambleton, vice president of the Australian Medical Association (AMA), to speak out. He has called for an open debate involving health experts and spear headed by government to [...]

School bullies graduate to anti-social behaviour in later years

25% of students are bullied at school 95% of students are bulled more than once A new study just released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has found that there is compelling evidence that young people who indulge in bullying at school go on to participate in further anti-social behaviour as they get [...]

When is gambling not gambling?

4% of adult Australians play the pokies each week $6 billion spent on pokies each year The growing trend in ‘redemption games’ that are now filling children’s games arcades are setting them on the rocky road to gambling. They are called 'redemption games' because young people play for tickets or prizes, including cameras and TVs. They [...]

Changing times for teenage body clocks

A recent study Impact of Delaying School Start Time on Adolescent Sleep, Mood, and Behaviour published in Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine looks at how the sleep patterns of young people change during adolescence and how these changes can affect their overall wellbeing. Timothy Olds, professor in the school of health sciences at the [...]

Children abused as safety net of family life crumbles

A recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald by columnist Miranda Devine was a hard read; the very subject matter curdled the stomach and made the insides squirm in an effort to escape it. The subject matter was paedophiles and how easily they gain both the trust of parents and access to the innocent children [...]

Net Savvy: ‘Inyahead’

Net Savvy profiles different websites and people that provide resources and information for parents, carers and teaching professionals on a range of issues which affect our youth today. Inyahead is a website which features the work of Andrew Fuller. Andrew recently spoke at the Generation Next Seminar in Sydney. He is a Fellow of the Department [...]

The tick of approval for size 12 models

76% of teenage girls choose an image that is thinner than themselves as their ideal 68% of 15 year old girls are on a diet The Federal Youth Minister, Kate Ellis has launched a new government initiative aimed at addressing the issues that surround using scrawny models on the catwalk and in magazines. This new [...]

More money and understanding needed to help suicide prevention

6 Australians take their lives by suicide every day 65,000 attempted suicides each year 1 suicide every 4 hours 1 attempted suicide every 8 minutes It is a tragic thing when someone takes their own life. To feel so desperate inside that they opted for total oblivion as the only way out is not how [...]

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