academic achievement

How The Stress Of Racism Affects Learning

Flickr Images For 15-year-old Zion Agostini, the start of each school day is a new occasion to navigate a minefield of racial profiling. From an early age, walking home from elementary school with his older brother, Agostini took note of the differential treatment police gave to black people in his community: “I [saw] [...]

Secrets To Our Children’s Academic Success

Photo credit: Steven Yeh Did you know that if you want your children to succeed at school, simply telling them about your high expectations can have a positive impact on their academic achievement? Students who achieve highly generally come from homes where parents expect that their children will “get off their butts, work hard, and do well at school.” In [...]

Extra Hour of Screen Time Per Day Associated with Poorer Grades An extra hour per day spent watching TV, using the internet or playing computer games during Year 10 is associated with poorer grades at GCSE at age 16 - the equivalent of the difference between two grades - according to research from the University of Cambridge. In a study published today in [...]

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