
Involved fathers make a more balanced and happy family life

71% of fathers spend less than 4hrs a day ‘parenting’ their children 78 % of fathers would like to spend more time with their children 59% of mothers would like to spend more time with their children* The results of a study recently published in the journal Early Child Development and Care has found that [...]

Net Savvy: Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth

The McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth (MCAAY) This website outlines the aims of the McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth (MCAAY) which is a charitable organisation established in September 2010 with the aim of reducing levels of drinking, harmful drinking and alcohol problems among young people. The Key objectives of [...]

Fame and fortune destroys Cyrus family life

Billy Ray Cyrus regrets the fame and fortune his daughter, Miley, found on the Disney TV show Hannah Montana. He credits the fame, fortune and lifestyle that her celebrity status has led to as a major factor in the breakdown of his own marriage and the destruction of his family life. He told GQ Magazine [...]

The rise and fall of underage drinkers

25% of 14 to 19 year olds put themselves at risk of alcohol related harm each month 70% of 14 to 19 year olds drink alcohol despite being underage* The NSW Ambulance Service has figures indicating that 3 children a day in NSW get so drunk that they need the services of an ambulance. The under-18s treated [...]

“Not Yet” should this be parent’s battle cry against early drinking?

43% teenagers drink to get drunk 66% teenagers think it is OK to get drunk occasionally 50% teenagers drink to relax* What should parents say to their teenagers who want to drink before they turn 18 years old? Research would suggest that their response should be a resounding “not yet”. Rather than the very popular [...]

Teenage Kicks: violent relationships have now become the 'norm'

Useful link: BBC Radio 4 regularly broadcasts Teenage Kicks which looks at youth issues. Go to BBC Radio 4 to check out when it next airs While researching a BBC Radio 4 documentary for the program Teenage Kicks, producer Lizz Pearson uncovered some very disturbing views held by teenagers regarding what is and is not [...]

Seminar – The Body Remembers: Practical therapeutic applications of the neurobiology of trauma

Following recent events around Australia including the fires in WA, the floods in VIC and cyclone Yasi in QLD there will be many young people who have experienced traumatic events. Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) can develop after exposure to traumatic experiences(s) and results from an imbalance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of the Autonomic Nervous [...]

Landmark Report: exploitation and violence in teenage relationships

In september 2009 Bristol University and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in the UK completed a ground breaking report Partner exploitation and violence in teenage intimate relationships. The report explored the issues of exploitation and violence in teenage intimate relationships. It provides a detailed picture of the incidence and [...]

When life doesn’t imitate art: Charlie Sheen

Warner Bros. Television and CBS produce the highest grossing sitcom on TV in America. Two and a Half Men is also a huge hit in the UK and Australia. It has been nominated for 2 Golden Globes and has won a further 20 awards with over 50 nominations. So you would think then, that this [...]

Mental Health & Wellbeing Seminars respond to QLD catastrophe by helping young people in 'disaster recovery'

The Mental Health & Wellbeing of Young People Brisbane, Gold Coast & Canberra Supported by: Beyondblue headspace Australian Communication and Media Authority National Cannabis Information and Prevenntion Centre Collective Shout ACER Please note that due to the floods in Queensland there have been some changes to the schedules and locations. We have also worked with [...]

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