
Tag – you’re online for life

A new film produced by the federal government deals with the very real dangers of teenage online life and the digital profile they are creating. Tagged - What you do online could tag you for life looks at the consequences of cyber bullying and how antisocial Social Networking Sites (SNS) really are. Everything from an [...]

Forget IQ: it’s Emotional Intelligence that helps kids settle at school

At the heart of the matter, all every parents really wants is for their child is for them to be the best person they can be. Unfortunately so often pressures from society can often make parents feel that this means a child must excel academically. However it now seems that social and emotional learning (SEL) [...]

Day for Daniel: National cybersafety activities 28 October

October 28 has been set aside as a Day for Daniel. It is a day when many organisations and schools will focus on activities that keep kids safe online and there will be a day of National cybersafety activities. Now in its 6th year, Day for Daniel continues to grow on a National scale and [...]

Top tips to fight family fatigue

50% of families are suffering from family fatigue. Parents take note! - There’s no need to feel guilty anymore. Slow down, put your feet up, take time for that extra cuppa... relax. The latest research has shown that children need time and space to just play. All their spare time doesn’t need to be taken [...]

Headmaster takes a stand against Facebook to protect pupils

A school principal fed up with cyber-bullying has used his usually sedate newsletter column to send a blunt message to parents. “GET YOUR KIDS OFF FACEBOOK. This verbal sewer is harming your children”. This is the warning sent by headmaster Chris Duncan of  Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School, in Tweed Heads who used the school newsletter [...]

Report: Teenagers, Legal Risks and Social Networking Sites

Facebook is the most popular Social Networking Site (SNS), with 93.4% of teenagers using it, followed by MySpace, with 26.6%. Many students use more than one SNS. A recent study carried out in Victoria, Teenagers, Legal Risks and Social Networking Sites, took 1,004 students aged 13 to 16 years old, 204 teachers and 49 parents [...]

The Traffic Lights framework for sexual behaviours in children

All children: have the right to be safe and protected from harm have the right to accurate, age-appropriate information and education need positive responses to develop understanding rather than guilt, shame and confusion, and need to learn about rules, boundaries and social cues gradually and developmentally. The Traffic Lights framework The Traffic Lights framework provides [...]

Book Review: Big Porn Inc

Big Porn Inc, recently published by Spinifex Press and written by Melinda Tankard Reist puts the spotlight on our harm of the growing porn culture. It features essays by prominent writers and anti-porn activists including Gail Dines, Maggie Hamilton, Helen Pringle, and others.   The essays cover a wide array of issues connected to the porn [...]

Consumer pressure forces Topman to pull T-shirts endorsing domestic violence

  Picture: Topman Source:   British clothing line Topman Design has taken two T-shirts out of production following a public outcry that claims they endorse and promote domestic abuse and sexism. Consumers condemned one of the T-shirts for showing a list of excuses that could be used as justification for hitting women. Buyers said [...]

Top tips on how to get the best out of TV and your child

Alarming facts: In the US children watch an average of 3 hours (and up to 8 hours) of TV per day Many school children spend as much time in front of the TV as they do in class. Children under 3 spend up to 30% of their waking hours watching TV and videos, even though [...]

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