
Battling The Physical Symptoms Of Stress

Flikr Images Steve should have been celebrating. A 30-something entrepreneur in the Bay area, he had just closed a multi-million dollar round of Series A financing for his startup. Instead, he found himself in his doctor’s office—25 pounds overweight, physically exhausted, sleep-deprived and with a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes. This news only [...]

It’s Not Just College Students. Higher Education Itself Is Experiencing A Mental Health Crisis

Pixabay Images Graduation: classically peppered by parties, gifts, and champagne toasts to the happy memories of university life. Not all the seniors donning their caps and gowns during this year’s commencement season will be leaving behind four years of joy and wonder, however. Far from it. For tens of thousands, the college experience [...]

Early Puberty In Girls Raises The Risk Of Depression

Pexel Images When girls come in for their physical exams, one of the questions I routinely ask is “Do you get your period?” I try to ask before I expect the answer to be yes, so that if a girl doesn’t seem to know about the changes of puberty that lie ahead, I [...]

Women And People Under The Age Of 35 At Greatest Risk Of Anxiety

Getty Images Women are almost twice as likely to experience anxiety as men, according to a review of existing scientific literature, led by the University of Cambridge. The study also found that people from Western Europe and North America are more likely to suffer from anxiety than people from other cultures. The review, [...]

We Saw Magic Mushrooms Lift Long-Term Depression. It’s Time For A Change Of Perception

In the latest Beckley/Imperial study, we selected 12 people who had experienced depression over an average of 18 years, despite all that modern medicine can offer. Instead of daily medication, we wanted to know if their condition would improve after an “inner journey” on a 25mg dose of the psychedelic drug psilocybin. We also wanted to [...]

Only Fundamental Social Change Can Defeat The Anxiety Epidemic

Natasha Devon, sacked last week as a mental health champion for young people. Photograph: Ken McKay/Rex We live with an epidemic of anxiety. In 1980, 4% of Americans suffered a mental disorder associated with anxiety. Today half do. The trends in Britain are similar. A third of Britons will experience anxiety disorder at some [...]

Six Ways Good Parents Contribute To Their Child’s Anxiety

How parents contribute to a child's anxiety. Photo: Getty Kids have it hard these days. It doesn't seem like it when they're playing on their $500 tech gadgets, but they do. Twenty-first century living is taking its toll, and many kids are finding it hard to cope. The number of children dealing with [...]

Cats Don’t Love You, Scientists Conclude

Your cat is just fine on its own. Photo: Getty Images Rudyard Kipling was right. Cats really do walk by themselves, and do not need their owners to feel secure and safe, a study has shown. Although absent owners might worry that their pet is pining, in fact, cats show no sign of separation [...]

Picky Eating In Children Associated With Depression And Anxiety, Study Warns

Picky eating in children is linked to depression and anxiety, according to a new study published Monday. In this photo, dated Dec. 23, 2011, children eat lunch at the Los Angeles Mission's Christmas meal service and toy giveaway in the skid row section of Los Angeles, California. Reuters/Jonathan Alcorn Picky eating among children [...]

Controlling Parents ‘Harm Future Mental Health’ 

Photo: Getty, Adults who were psychologically controlled as children by their parents are more likely to have poor mental health, research suggests. University College London researchers likened the impact to that of the death of a close friend or relative. They said the most important factor in developing a sense of mental [...]

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