
The Anxiety Epidemic: Why Are UK Children So Unhappy?, SPL Teachers are to take the extraordinary step of calling for an independent Royal Commission to investigate why so many of Britain's children are unhappy. The unprecedented move by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers follows a welter of evidence highlighting the fragile states of mind of many of the country's seven [...]

By |2015-08-31T11:02:21+10:00August 31st, 2015|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Supporting a Friend, Supporting Yourself Grief comes in many shapes and sizes – but we all experience it throughout our lives. Change, bullying, anxiety, abuse of any kind, loss and trauma can all have their associated grief. Grief can lead young people to: a loss of self-confidence (I must be a bad person for this to happen to me); feelings [...]

Young Women Feeling Most Stress at Modern Life Numerous studies have shown the contradiction reported by women who are high-achieving, but whose internal turmoil has a detrimental impact on their quality of life. Despite coming out on top of many socio-economic indicators, such as income and education levels, more and more young women are finding themselves struggling with high levels of stress. - Alana [...]

Teaching Kids How to be Sad

Helping the next generation live with feelings, not pathologise them. Young people in our society are increasingly worried and upset – not about any aspect of their life in particular - but about being worried and upset. This is a relatively new phenomenon. In the 1980s, surveys of teens showed they were worried about school, [...]

Why So Many People Are Stressed and Depressed

Everywhere you look, people these days are stressed out. Many reach a breaking point and sink into depression – a mental health issue few of our grandparents or great-grandparents experienced, yet is so common today. - Jean M Twenge Ph.D Source: Why So Many People Are Stressed and Depressed | Psychology Today

The Feel-Good Gene: Those with Naturally High Levels of Anandamide Less Anxious and Fearful

In Australia, anxiety is even more common than depression. In fact, about one in four of us suffer from it. The general belief is that stress or circumstances cause it. But, this might not necessarily be the case. Richard Friedman, a professor of clinical psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College, says some of us have a feel-good [...]

Anxiety Not Just Feeling ‘Stressed’

ONE in four of us experience it yet many Australians still think anxiety is simply feeling stressed. BUT anxiety is a treatable mental health illness that is more common than depression in Australia says mental health charity beyondblue. A new survey of 700 Australians found half believe anxiety is a part of someone's personality. And 40 [...]

Negative Thinking: 5 Easy Ways to Think More Positively

This past weekend, I found myself 400 miles and 3 states away from home with $16 of cash, a half tank of gas, but no credit cards. I pulled into a gas station and asked if they would take a check. Nope. How about a credit card number phoned in from my husband? Nope. My [...]

5 Ways To Address Rising Depression In Young People

Depression and anxiety are affecting more young people than ever before. According to a study published today by the Office for National Statistics, one in five 16- to 24-year-olds are suffering psychological problems, which is almost the rate at which these are seen in early middle age, the life-stage usually most associated with mental health issues. [...]

The Google Misery Index: The Times of Year We’re Most Depressed, Anxious and Stressed

Depression. Anxiety. Pain. Stress. Fatigue. Below, I've plotted the past year’s worth of daily Google search interest in these five terms, which I've aggregated into a index of misery. - Christopher Ingraham via The Google misery index: The times of year we’re most depressed, anxious and stressed - The Washington Post.

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