
Fearful Memories Passed Down to Mouse Descendants

Certain fears can be inherited through the generations, a provocative study of mice reports. The authors suggest that a similar phenomenon could influence anxiety and addiction in humans. But some researchers are sceptical of the findings because a biological mechanism that explains the phenomenon has not been identified. Yet some studies have hinted that environmental [...]

By |2013-12-15T12:06:00+11:00December 15th, 2013|Categories: Science & Research|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Frequent cell phone use linked to anxiety, lower grades and reduced happiness in students

Today, smartphones are central to college students' lives, keeping them constantly connected with friends, family and the Internet. Students' cell phones are rarely out of reach whether the setting is a college classroom, library, recreational center, cafeteria or dorm room. As cell phone use continues to increase, it is worth considering whether use of the [...]

Put the books down and get active!

With the HSC in full swing in NSW, parents will be all too aware of how stressful a time this can be for teenagers.   Whether you believe it should be a stressful time or not isn’t the point of this post. The fact is that research reveals that approximately 40% of Year 12 HSC [...]

Dolly September 2013

The Impossible Goal of Pursuing Perfection: Dolly September 2013 Melinda Tankard Reist   ‘The ultimate guide to being yourself’ is about self-acceptance. It offers girls three lessons in how to be themselves: Fall in love with you; Quit Faking It and Get inspired, not obsessed. The first encourages girls to recognise and love themselves for [...]

Caffeine concern over teens and energy drinks

One in three teenagers may be consuming the equivalent of 10 instant coffees a day in energy drinks that can cause insomnia, anxiety and heart problems, a leading sleep expert says. A survey of 110 patients conducted by Chris Seaton, a paediatric sleep specialist from the Westmead Children's Hospital, found 35 per cent of teenagers [...]

Girlfriend August 2013

Anxiety and sleep: Girlfriend deals with two significant issues for girls Melinda Tankard Reist The two most important articles in this issue are on anxiety and the importance of sleep. Anxiety appears to be a plague on our girls right now. ‘Feeling anxious? How to deal when your worries take over your life’ looks at [...]

That gut feeling

The days of analyzing a patient's gut bacteria to treat her depression or anxiety are probably far away. Still, scientists following this line of research have become increasingly convinced that to fully understand our emotions and behaviors, we need to study the gut as much as the brain. via That gut feeling.

Pushing the boost button for our kids – easier said than done?

Dr Andrew Martin, Australian psychologist and one of the country's leading experts on student motivation, describes the key components of motivation as those that improve, those that restrict and those that reduce motivation. He refers to those students who have a natural belief in themselves and their capacity to achieve as 'boosters'; those who restrict [...]

Girls Mag Watch Dolly March 2013

Drop the Model Search and this could be a good issue If Dolly wasn’t persisting with its Model Search competition, which returned last year having been sensibly done away with by previous editors, I could probably have given this issue the thumbs up. Lydia Turner, Managing Director at BodyMatters Australasia, and I have written before [...]

By |2013-03-18T11:43:40+11:00March 18th, 2013|Categories: Society & Culture, Technology|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

‘Helicopter Parenting’ Can Undermine Students’ Self-Image

Most parents would do anything to help their children be happy and successful. But too much involvement can be detrimental as a new study shows that college students with overcontrolling parents are more likely to be depressed and less satisfied with their lives. Experts say this “helicopter parenting” style — hovering over and micro-managing their child’s [...]

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