
Categories of young drinkers

We can’t forget that not all young people are the same, and this is particularly true when it comes to attitudes and values of around drugs. Even when it comes to alcohol use, young people are not one homogenous group. When I talk to groups of teenagers I usually divide them into three key categories, [...]

Evidence for the negative impact of sexualisation

Helga Dittmar (2007) In this study, 87 girls aged 16-19 were asked to either watch music videos or listen to music for 10 minutes. The group who watched the music videos exhibited a significant increase in body dissatisfaction. A key piece of advice parents should take from this study is to minimise your child's exposure [...]

Material goods and your child

Our kids trust us to instil in them values and ethics that will help them navigate the difficult terrain of school, friendship and, later, personal and professional relationships. Values that will help them turn out to be well-rounded, functional human beings. To do this, they need to know that material goods, like fashion, do not [...]

Teens with own car more likely to crash

Two recent US studies have found teenagers who own their own car are much more likely to crash then those who share a car with parents or siblings. The studies were carried out by researchers at the Children's Hospital in Philadelphia and explored the factors which affect the safety of teenage drivers. The researchers believe [...]

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