brain development

Men and Women with Autism Have ‘Extreme Male’ Scores on ‘Eyes Test’ of Mindreading Scientists at the University of Cambridge University have published new results in the journal PLoS ONE from the largest ever study of people with autism taking the 'Reading the Mind in the Eyes' test. Whilst typical adults showed the predicted and now well-established sex difference on this test, with women on average [...]

Why Screen Time before Bed Is Bad for Children

Limiting screen time before bedtime is beneficial for sleep. shutterstock Sleep is an essential part of our development and wellbeing. It is important for learning and memory, emotions and behaviours, and our health more generally. Yet the total amount of sleep that children and adolescents are getting is continuing to decrease. Why? - [...]

How My Learning Difficulties Affected My Mental Health In the 63 years that I have been part of the learning difficulties world, I have both experienced and witnessed the suffering that is living with a learning difficulty. Learning difficulties are commonly considered a school-based issue; but struggling in school means struggling in life. This makes learning to be confident and acquiring a healthy mental attitude [...]

Depression in Pregnant Mothers may Alter the Pattern of Brain Development in their Babies

Depression is a serious mental illness that has many negative consequences for sufferers. But depression among pregnant women may also have an impact on their developing babies. Children of depressed parents are at an increased risk of developing depression themselves, a combination of both genetic and environmental factors. These children also display alterations in the [...]

Researchers Call for More Study of Anesthesia’s Risks to Brains of Young Children

Studies in children have found an association between learning problems and multiple exposures to anesthesia early in life. - Denise Grady Source: Researchers call for more study of anesthesia's risks to brains of young children l Houston Chronicle.

By |2015-05-18T07:41:42+10:00May 18th, 2015|Categories: Science & Research|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Gorgeous to Grumpy – The Developing Teen

Have you found yourself standing in front of a 12 or 13 year old wondering "Who on earth are you?" Whether we are the parent, the teacher, the coach.....whoever.......we are often left to scratch our head and consider where we went wrong. Almost overnight it seems this gorgeous 12 or 13 year old has transformed into a grumpy, [...]

Your Adolescent Brain on Alcohol: Changes Last into Adulthood

Repeated alcohol exposure during adolescence results in long-lasting changes in the region of the brain that controls learning and memory, according to a research team at Duke Medicine that used a rodent model as a surrogate for humans. The study, published April 27 in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, provides new insights at the [...]

Medicating Women’s Feelings

More Americans are on psychiatric medications than ever before, and in my experience they are staying on them far longer than was ever intended. Sales of antidepressants and antianxiety meds have been booming in the past two decades, and they’ve recently been outpaced by an antipsychotic, Abilify, that is the No. 1 seller among all [...]

Study Indicates Exercise Sharpens The Young Adult Brain

Regular physical activity improves brain function even in young adults considered in their prime and at the height of cognitive ability, according to a new University of Otago study. A body of research already exists showing aerobic exercise improves brain function in older adults, but there is a limited amount of literature on how it affects young adults. The Otago [...]

No Singular Revelation

In early 2014, a Sydneysider was filmed racially abusing a young Asian woman on the train, shouting racist insults and loudly mimicking her accent. She then verbally attacked an Anglo-Australian man she presumed to be the woman’s partner. While the community response to the changes to section 18C, and the widespread public condemnation of attacks [...]

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