
Negative Thinking: 5 Easy Ways to Think More Positively

This past weekend, I found myself 400 miles and 3 states away from home with $16 of cash, a half tank of gas, but no credit cards. I pulled into a gas station and asked if they would take a check. Nope. How about a credit card number phoned in from my husband? Nope. My [...]

Neuroscience Has Proved That P0rn is Literally Making Men’s Brains More Juvenile

Scientists are now seeing that continued exposure to porn gives the brain an unnatural high—something it literally isn’t wired to handle—and the brain eventually fatigues. Anatomy and physiology instructor Gary Wilson notes this is the same pattern noticed when drugs are abused: the brain becomes desensitized. More of the drug or harder drugs are needed [...]

By |2015-01-16T15:10:10+11:00January 16th, 2015|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol, Science & Research|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

3 Unexpected Positives Things That Can Come From Experiencing Depression

A lot is known about depression. We now know that there is particular neurological pattern that emerges in the brain of a depressed person. We also know that there are specific ways depressed people think — and don’t think. And we also know that there are specific behaviors that accompany depression. Yet for all we [...]

Even Monkeys are Better at Seeing Value for Money

Monkeys are savvier than human consumers when it comes to getting value for money, research has shown. Psychological studies have demonstrated how easy it is to fool people into thinking that price reflects quality. In tests, human volunteers consistently prefer the taste of wine poured out of an expensively labelled bottle to exactly the same [...]

Google makes us all Dumber

In a remarkably short period of time, we have become habituated to an endless supply of easy answers. You might even say dependent. Google is known as a search engine, yet there is barely any searching involved anymore. The gap between a question crystallizing in your mind and an answer appearing at the top of [...]

By |2014-11-28T06:44:59+11:00November 28th, 2014|Categories: Cybersafety, Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

This is your Brain on Money

Research on the behaviors of the wealthy, finds that lower class individuals are more generous, charitable, trusting and helpful than upper class individuals. In another study, they find individuals with expensive cars were more likely to cut off other drivers and pedestrians. Further, in laboratory experiments, wealthy participants were more likely to take valued goods, [...]

A New Study Shows how Eating Trans Fat Affects your Memory

Now, a new study presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2014 has found a link between trans fat and memory impairment. Researchers looked at the eating habits of 1000 healthy men above the age of 20, and postmenopausal women to determine the effect trans fat has on memory. Participants completed a dietary questionnaire [...]

Finding Forgiveness In The Darkest Of Places

Have you ever been so severely wronged that you found yourself at a complete loss of how to even comprehend forgiveness? Something so hurtful that all you could feel was bitterness and anger? In director Lekha Singh’s fiercely dramatic, yet undeniably inspiring documentary, Beyond Right & Wrong: Stories of Forgiveness and Justice, she explores the process of forgiveness [...]

People Conscious after ‘Death’, study says

People may still have consciousness after "death". A large-scale study involving 2060 patients from 15 hospitals in the UK, US and Austria has found that patients experience real events for up to a three-minute period after their heart has stopped beating. Dr Sam Parnia, director of resuscitation research at the State University of New York, [...]

Teens Watching P0rn – Two Reasons That’s a Problem

The prevalence of teens perusing porn sites should raise concerns for two reasons: recent research regarding p0rn and the brain, and a growing number of sexual-health experts and young men claiming that Internet p0rn is causing sexual dysfunctions. - Gabe Deem via Porn: Many Teens Watch It, and Two Reasons That's a Problem | Gabe Deem.

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