
Teenage Kicks: violent relationships have now become the 'norm'

Useful link: BBC Radio 4 regularly broadcasts Teenage Kicks which looks at youth issues. Go to BBC Radio 4 to check out when it next airs While researching a BBC Radio 4 documentary for the program Teenage Kicks, producer Lizz Pearson uncovered some very disturbing views held by teenagers regarding what is and is not [...]

Mental Health & Wellbeing Seminars respond to QLD catastrophe by helping young people in 'disaster recovery'

The Mental Health & Wellbeing of Young People Brisbane, Gold Coast & Canberra Supported by: Beyondblue headspace Australian Communication and Media Authority National Cannabis Information and Prevenntion Centre Collective Shout ACER Please note that due to the floods in Queensland there have been some changes to the schedules and locations. We have also worked with [...]

Teach your child to handle bullies in the schoolyard and online

20% of children are bullied at school 20% of teens do things online they later regret Clinical Psychologist and Generation Next speaker, Andrew Fuller says school yard arguments have become more intense and that cyber bullying has become more vindictive during the last few years. “There has been a change in bullying from mild schoolyard disputes [...]

25 ways to protect young people from online bullying

Susan McLean, Cyber Safety Expert and  Generation Next speaker gives the following advice on how to help protect young people from being bullied online. Do not reply to rude or nasty comments. Immediately tell an adult if you feel uncomfortable or worried online. If someone is being mean or nasty on MSN – block them. [...]

Facebook: the danger of too much information

Experts have been screaming about internet safety and the potential perils of cyber space for some time now. A recent case of a man in America, who took information from Facebook profiles and then hacked into women’s email accounts, highlights the dangers that are out there in virtual world. The most shocking thing about this [...]

QLD Police show you how to protect your kids online

An initiative by the Queensland Police called Who's chatting to your kids? gives parents, teachers and carers practical information on how to protect children online and what to look for if you think a child is being approached by a predator. The internet and advances in technology have been embraced by sex offenders who are [...]

Generation Next Seminars 2011: Mental Health Professional events

For Education, Health and Welfare Professionals. Generation Next is an exciting new initiative featuring a national seminar series and supporting resources aimed at protecting and enhancing the wellbeing of our children and teenagers. Dr Manocha has developed Generation Next in close consultation with leading experts to help address the rising tide of mental, social and [...]

Net Savvy: About Date Rape

This website is hosted by the NSW Dept of Community Services.  What is date rape? Date rape is when someone you know socially (but not family) makes you have sex when you don’t want to. It could be someone you meet at a party, or someone you love and trust, like your boyfriend.  They might [...]

Do you know where your kids are… online?

92% of kids socialise with family and friends online 62 % of kids aged 8 to 17 have had negative experiences online 55% of kids have made friends online* Officially young people have to be 13 years old before they can open an account on the social networking site Facebook, however peer and social pressures are [...]

New bullying resources available, thanks to Qld Govt initiative

The QLD Government has just released a toolkit Working Together, A toolkit for parents to address bullying aimed at parents and teachers so they are better equipped to deal with bullying. Education and Training Minister Geoff Wilson said “This toolkit for parents complements the toolkit for schools released earlier this year. Most importantly the toolkit [...]

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