
Seminar: The Mental Health & Wellbeing of Young People 2O1O

Generation Next and Healthed invites you to attend this highly informative and educational event. No other educational event brings together so many leading experts under one roof. This UNIQUE multi-disciplinary seminar  features leading experts who will present authoritative and practical information specifically relevant to the mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing of young people. The [...]

Bullying policies to be posted on MySchool

50% higher bullying rate in Australian primary schools 25% of primary school children bullied It has been suggested that the new government website MySchool be used by schools to display their policies on bullying for both the classroom and the playground and outline their approach to cyber bullying. ''What I would like to see on [...]

Generation Next Seminars for 2010

The articles and blogs by Generation Next are posted to help protect our youth. Each Generation Next newsletter goes out to over 10,000 subscribers nationally. Subscribe to the Generation Next Newsletter. We hope that you, your organization and Generation Next can work together to highlight the many risk factors emerging in our modern society that threaten the [...]

Review confirms Violent Video Games increase aggressive behaviour

A recent review “Violent Video Game Effects on Aggression, Empathy, and Pro-social Behaviour in Eastern and Western Countries: A Meta-Analytic Review”, published by the American Psychological Association has used meta-analytic procedures to test the effects of violent video games on: Aggressive behaviour Aggressive cognition Aggressive affect Physiological arousal Empathy/desensitisation, and Pro-social behaviour. Today more than [...]

Violence in school yards on the increase

Violence in the school yard is becoming more prolific with the incidents becoming more serious and increasingly involving weapons of some kind. New figures from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research showed an 8% increase in assaults occurring at schools during 2009, compared to 2008. During 2009 134 of the general assaults occurring [...]

Stabbing death highlights increased violence in schools

The tragic circumstances surrounding the fatal stabbing of 12-year-old school boy Elliott Fletcher during a school yard fracas at St Patrick’s College at Shorncliffe Brisbane on Monday 15 February has sent shock waves around the country. It has prompted new calls for more security at the school gate and the introduction of metal detectors. However [...]

Government releases report on anti-bullying technique

The Australian Government earlier this week released research showing results of a study investigating a new technique to reduce bullying. The research assessed the 'Method of Shared Concern', a technique which aims to reduce and eliminate bullying without directly punishing the bullies. The technique involves non-confrontational meetings with the students involved in the bullying where [...]

Bullying linked to health problems in later life

A South Australian study has linked bullying to mental and psychosomatic health problems including headaches, anxiety and abdominal pain. The study of over 2,800 adults found that nearly 20% reported having experienced bullying at school, and those who reported being bullied reported poorer physical and mental health then those who had not been bullied. The [...]

National survey reveals concerns of the youth

The results of the largest annual survey of young people in Australia were released yesterday by Mission Australia. The National Survey of Young Australians 2009 obtained the views of almost 48,000 young people across Australia and found that the young people rank drugs, suicide and body image as the most concerning issues they face. The [...]

Bullying report investigates lasting effects

A report detailing a survey of 1,200 people aged 18-44 has found that almost seventy percent of the people surveyed still suffer from negative effects of bullying years down the track, including low self-esteem and a lack of assertiveness. The report Give Kids a Chance: No One Deserves to Be Left Out by Wesley Mission [...]

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