
Cyberbullies Come Out to Play in the School Holidays

As schools break up for the year, police and experts have warned parents to be on guard for cyber bullying, which spikes during the holidays. Police regularly witness an increase in cyber bullying among children when they're off school. "During school holidays kids have more access to, and more time with, the technology," NSW Police Acting [...]

This Might Be Why Depression Is Rising Among Teen Girls

Flickr Images There has been a significant climb in the prevalence of major depression among adolescents and young adults in recent years - and the troubling trend may be strongest in teenage girls, according to a new study. After analyzing the data, researchers discovered that the prevalence of major depressive episodes over a [...]

When A Bully Targets Your Child

Flickr Images Of all the challenges that school brings for students and their parents, one of the most unwelcome and worrying is bullying. Bullying starts as early as first grade and peaks in middle school. About 1 in 5 students report being bullied each year, and figuring out how to respond is difficult. [...]

Teaching Kids Empathy: In Danish Schools, It’s…Well, It’s A Piece Of Cake

Flikr Images We all know what a Danish pastry is — that delightful caloric bomb of glazed breakfast deliciousness. But what about a Danish classroom cake? And moreover, how can this help teach empathy? In the Danish education system empathy is considered as important as teaching math and literature, and it is woven [...]

Relationships – Integrity

Flikr Images The third quality in the Relationship Quotient (RQ) that creates quality relationships is integrity. The establishment of trust builds relationships, the way mistakes are forgiven cements it and when people act with integrity they build new pathways. Wisdom is knowing what path to take, integrity is taking it. Integrity essentially is being who we [...]

Neuroscience Of Bullying: Why Do Some Find It Rewarding?

Flikr Images Aggressive behavior is often a facet of psychiatric disorders. But it also readily occurs in people with no such condition. Bullying has the potential to significantly reduce the victim's quality of life. As such, it is a topic well worthy of study. There has been a great deal of study into [...]

The Damage Done When People Insist ‘Boys Will Be Boys’

Society should absolutely demand more of boys - but we should also expect more for them, writes Clementine Ford. Photo: Stocksy Another small American town has been rocked by revelations of sexual abuse at the hands of some of their most protected football stars this week, and local response is sadly much as we've [...]

Ms Bully

Photo: Bill Diedeie I find it easier to get along with males in the workplace," admits Christina N. She sounds sheepish when she says this, and I'm not surprised. Christina is one of the most committed feminists I know. Tall, stylish Gabrielle A shot to the top of her profession when she migrated [...]

To End Bullying, Get the Cool Kids to Help

Gallery Hip For all of the efforts schools put into reducing bullying, there’s actually a dearth of rigorous evidence about what makes for effective anti-bullying intervention. The classic approach — pile kids into an auditorium and lecture them on the dangers of bullying, perhaps including a sad story about its effects along the [...]

Australian Principals Facing Violence and Bullying

They're supposed to keep a check on schoolyard bullying but many Australian school principals are victims of bullying themselves, according to a survey. Alamy SYDNEY, Dec 3 - Nearly half of Australia's school principals have faced threats of violence - and parents are the worst offenders, a principal safety and wellbeing survey released on Thursday [...]

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