
Exclusion More Harmful to Teens than Overt Bullying

www.theguardian.com A UQ researcher has found that social exclusion among teens can be more harmful than direct bullying. UQ's Hannah Thomas led the research, which showed that teens find exclusion more harmful than better known forms of bullying like teasing and rumour-spreading. Ms Thomas's study – a survey of 10,273 Victorian high school students in [...]

Supporting a Friend, Supporting Yourself

digitaltrends.com Grief comes in many shapes and sizes – but we all experience it throughout our lives. Change, bullying, anxiety, abuse of any kind, loss and trauma can all have their associated grief. Grief can lead young people to: a loss of self-confidence (I must be a bad person for this to happen to me); feelings [...]

Helping Students Tackle Bullying: 6 Tips for The Classroom

Bullying remains a troubling issue in our schools. In 2013, one in three Australian children aged 10-11 reported being bullied (Lodge & Baxter, 2013). Children who are bullied at school are at a greater risk of experiencing serious psychological problems later in life (Ronning et al 2009, Rigby 2015). Children who engage in bullying behaviour are more likely to become involved in criminal activities as adults (Ttofi et al. 2012, Rigby, 2015). This far reaching impact is too great for [...]

Children Bullied by Peers ‘at Greater Mental Health Risk’

Children who are bullied are at greater risk of mental health problems in later life than those who are maltreated by adults, according to research. The authors of the study say it is time that bullying is taken more seriously. They found children who were bullied were five times more likely to experience anxiety and [...]

Long Troubled by School Bullying, Japan Now Eyes Zero Tolerance

TOKYO — After months of relentless bullying at the hands of three classmates, 13-year-old Hiroki issued what must have seemed like an empty threat to his tormentors. "I'm going to die," he told them in a text message. "You should die," was their response. In the month before his death, verbal taunts escalated into punching and [...]

Nearly a Third of Early Adulthood Depression Linked to Bullying in Teenage Years

Being bullied at school is an unpleasant and relatively common experience for many young people, but does it lead to long-lasting harm? A growing number of studies have found that being bullied is associated with an increased risk of developing symptoms of anxiety and depression, self-harm and even suicidal ideation. Many would argue that it [...]

Balinese Welcome Boycott by ‘Boganaires’

Those who party hard and ugly in Bali could be partying hard in Engadine or St Kilda, except the drinks are cheaper and the waiters are too gentle to tell you to rack off (an expression from my youth, sadly not used much today.) It's a kind of bullying, on an international scale, where those [...]

Bullying May Leave Worse Mental Scars than Child Abuse

Being bullied during childhood may have even graver consequences for mental health in adulthood than being neglected or sexually abused, according to the first-ever study to tease out the effects of peer abuse from childhood maltreatment. - by Anne Harding Source: Bullying May Leave Worse Mental Scars Than Child Abuse I LiveScience

Children Bullied by Peers ‘at Greater Mental Health Risk’

Children who are bullied are at greater risk of mental health problems in later life than those who are maltreated by adults, according to research. The authors of the study say it is time that bullying is taken more seriously. They found children who were bullied were five times more likely to experience anxiety and [...]

How Can Theatre Help School Students Deal with Bullying and Violence? 

What is the number one social issue for students across Australia? According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics landmark CensusAtSchool survey, reducing bullying in schools [1]. So how can theatre help students deal with the far-reaching and negative effects of bullying and violence? Storytelling, drama, humour, role playing and music have been used since the beginning of time to [...]

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