
How to stop our boys from becoming bashers

In one of the most important ever studies by a psychologist in the 20th century, James Prescott researched dozens of cultures and found that the degree of violence was directly linked to the amount of affection shown to children. Having our skin needs met in childhood and adolescence means we don’t have the urge to [...]

Far from being harmless, the effects of bullying last long into adulthood

It has long been acknowledged that bullying at a young age presents a problem for schools, parents and public policy makers alike. Although children spend more time with their peers than their parents, there is relatively little published research on understanding the impact of these interactions on their lives beyond school. The results of the [...]

Dolly November 2013

Pregnant and punished: Dolly and teen pregnancy Girl Mag Review Dolly November 2013 Melinda Tankard Reist ‘What it’s really like to be a teen mum’ starts off: ‘Babies might seem cute, but having one of your own is no joke’. Is anyone really saying having a baby is a joke? Do girls really think it’s [...]

Dolly October 2013

Dolly Doctor and Oral Sex: is advice to girls clear? Melinda Tankard Reist Dolly Doctor this issue deals with oral sex. Parents with younger Dolly readers in the family may want to be aware of that and be prepared to talk about it with them (Dolly has featured’ Readers of the month’ who are 11). [...]

Girl Cliques

I have a male friend who calls his daughter's 'friends' emotional terrorists. When his child was 9-years-old she was the target of cruel smears and gossip for a year. This culminated in the day she came home and said 'Dad, I wish I was a boy like you, 'cos then they'd punch me and move [...]

Poor parenting—including overprotection—increases bullying risk

Children who are exposed to negative parenting – including abuse, neglect but also overprotection – are more likely to experience childhood bullying by their peers, according to a meta-analysis of 70 studies of more than 200,000 children. via Poor parenting—including overprotection—increases bullying risk.

How bullying leads to suicide

The key to helping those who express suicidal thoughts is to ask two questions: • How are you going to do it? • When are you going to do it? If distressed people have a method and a time for suicide planned, they are in immediate danger via Psychotherapist explains how bullying leads to suicide [...]

By |2013-04-21T23:23:48+10:00April 21st, 2013|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

The long shadow cast by childhood bullying on mental health in adulthood

A new study shows that children who are exposed to bullying during childhood are at increased risk of psychiatric disorders in adulthood, regardless of whether they are victims or perpetrators. Professor William E. Copeland of Duke University Medical Center and Professor Dieter Wolke of the University of Warwick led a team in examining whether bullying [...]

Taking the Bully by the Horns

There’s little doubt that most kids witness bullying during their schooling, either as the victim, the perpetrator or as a bystander. Over the years, I have seen many attempts to stamp it out but it seems we’re somewhat up against it. Let’s be honest, our politicians bully each other, the media bullies whoever happens to [...]

By |2012-11-19T12:05:34+11:00November 19th, 2012|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Bully check

In an attempt to address bullying in schools, ClubsNSW are piloting Bully Check. This program involves those who apply for jobs with ClubsNSW in the Murray region, being investigated as to whether or not they were bullies at school. If they were, then ClubsNSW will not employ them. On the surface at least, this seems [...]

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