
Top tips for schools to combat cyber bullying

65% of year 4 students experienced covert bullying It seems ironic that a young student in the USA, Jessica Barba, was recently suspended for highlighting the dangers and traumas that many students struggle with when they become the targets of cyber bullying. What started out as a school assignment ended up as an online anti-bullying [...]

Tips on helping young people make friends

At any age friends play an integral part in people’s lives. For young people the forging of friendships is important for their social and mental development. However the process of making and keeping friends is not always easy. Children who feel they do not have friends may become withdrawn, exhibit antisocial behaviour and even become [...]

Helping young people with mental health issues use social media safely

27% of 18 to 24 year olds suffer mental health issues* The transition of young people into adults is no doubt an awkward phase for most teenagers. It is a time when they are most vulnerable to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders and addictions. Their understanding of these states of being [...]

Survey finds one in two Australian kids bullied

ALMOST one in two Australian children are being bullied, a survey shows. The Queensland University of Technology study, involving 3112 students from grades 6 to 12 in nearly 30 schools around the country, found "traditional" face-to-face bullying was twice as prevalent as cyber-bullying.About 30 per cent of students reported being bullied in person, while 15 [...]

By |2012-08-17T18:06:20+10:00March 10th, 2012|Categories: Cybersafety|Tags: , |0 Comments

Does Bullying Cause Depression, or Vice Versa? Surprising New Study 

Dr. Karen Kochel, an assistant research professor at Arizona State University’s School of Social and Family Dynamics, performed a longitudinal study examining rates of bullying and depression in children grades 4 through 6. In the study, children were monitored by parents and teachers for behavioral indicators of depression. Parents and teachers were also keeping track [...]

10 Resources to help kids who are bullied

In Australia one in six children are bullied at school each week. 90% of school children report witnessing others being bullied at school. Teachers rarely see bullying, and are often not told of what has happened. Produced by Wired Safety. Ken Rigby, author, research professor and a leading educational expert based at the University of [...]

The Cyber-villification of Melinda Tankard Reist – The Industry Hits Back at a Campaigner that Keeps Them Honest

Over the past few weeks many of us have watched with concern a snowballing campaign of vilification against Melinda Tankard Reist, her public work as an advocate for women and girls and for society as a whole. Much of this has occurred online using all manner of cyber harrassment perpetrated by trolls and pseudo-experts. Their gutless cyber threats [...]

Back to school: how to handle bullying

50% of Victorian school children experience bullying online or at school* The summer holidays are nearly over and many young people are starting to prepare for the new school year and a return to studies, but for some it also means facing the prospect of dealing with more bullying both in the school yard and [...]

Register now for Safer Internet Day: 7 February 2012

2 free online and interactive programs for your students to participate in. Put this in your school diary now ready for 2012: Safer Internet Day 2012 Tuesday 7 February 2012 Safer Internet day (SID) is an annual international event organised by Insafe. The success of the 2011 event included the participation of 73 countries with [...]

Teens bow to peer pressure and sext to be accepted

New government funded research has found that the peer pressure on teenagers to send and receive sexually explicit images of each other as a way of fitting in and being accepted is huge. According to Melbourne University researcher Shelley Walker, this pressure in turn is coming from the media who are increasingly sexualising and normalising [...]

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