cardiovascular disease

Grip Strength May Predict Heart Attacks And Strokes

Getty Images Grip strength may be a good predictor of the risk for cardiovascular disease. Researchers studied 139,691 people, ages 35 to 70, in 17 high-, middle- and low-income countries. They gathered data on height, weight, blood pressure, physical activity, dietary intake and other health and behavioral factors. Adjusted for age and height, [...]

Researchers: Sugary Drinks Tied To High Death Toll Worldwide

Photo: Anthony Delvin Is sugar responsible for numerous deaths around the world? Researchers at Tufts University say the answer is yes. According to their research, an estimated 184,000 deaths could be caused by the consumption of sugary beverages each year. In the worldwide study, sugar-sweetened drinks led to 133,000 deaths from diabetes, 45,000 from cardiovascular [...]

Is Exercise “Useless” In Treating Depression?

The publication of a new study in the BMJ on 6 June triggered a flurry of headlines suggesting that "exercise doesn't help depression". However, reducing the study's specific, detailed findings to a media-friendly sound bite has run the risk of misleading people, because the researchers did not set out to test the effect of exercise on depression. [...]

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